Uncle Tom's Children Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Uncle Tom's Children Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Sue say she now puts her faith in?
(a) Islam
(b) Christianity
(c) Communism
(d) Judaism

2. Who does Sue shoot through the sheet?
(a) Booker
(b) Sugs
(c) Johnny-Boy
(d) The sheriff

3. What two belief systems does Sue say she is stuck between?
(a) Christianity and Judaism
(b) Communism and facism
(c) Capitalism and socailism
(d) Communism and Christianity

4. What information does the sheriff want from Johnny Boy?
(a) If he robbed the bank
(b) Names of Communists
(c) If he has a gun
(d) Who killed a white man

5. When does the salesman say he will come back?
(a) Next week
(b) Next month
(c) Two weeks
(d) The next morning

6. What does the sheriff threaten to do to Johnny?
(a) Cripple him
(b) Blind him
(c) Kill him
(d) Rape him

7. What kind of music does the salesman play on the graphophone?
(a) Hymn music
(b) Blues music
(c) Jazz music
(d) Folk music

8. What does the mayor describe both himself and Taylor as?
(a) Friends
(b) Personable
(c) Old war horses
(d) Holy men

9. What does Taylor say he saw while he was being whipped?
(a) Jesus
(b) The promised land
(c) The devil
(d) God

10. Who does Taylor say wants to take over the church?
(a) Brother Jones
(b) The sheriff
(c) Deacon Smith
(d) The major

11. What does Johnny say he does believe in?
(a) Whites
(b) Friends
(c) Rich and poor
(d) Law and order

12. What does Reva confirm to Sue?
(a) Johnny Boy is dead
(b) Booker is an informer
(c) The end is nigh
(d) White people are evil

13. What is the only thing Sue can see in the distance?
(a) A tower
(b) An airport beacon
(c) A sky scraper
(d) A lighthouse

14. What does the salesman try to sell to Sarah?
(a) A calendar
(b) A clock
(c) A watch
(d) Kitchen pots

15. Whose feet does Sue hear tramping through the yard?
(a) Roger's
(b) Suggs'
(c) Reva's
(d) Johnny Boy's

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Chief Bruden greet Taylor as?

2. What does Silas start throwing out of his house?

3. What do the whites order Taylor to do after they whip him?

4. Which of Taylor's guests will he talk to first?

5. Where does Sarah run to in this section?

(see the answer keys)

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(approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page)
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