Uncanny Valley Test | Final Test - Medium

Anna Wiener
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Uncanny Valley Test | Final Test - Medium

Anna Wiener
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Wiener think biohacking might be a form of?
(a) Navel-gazing.
(b) Self-help.
(c) Therapy.
(d) Privilege.

2. Which organization was a major patron of the women in computing conference in Part IV?
(a) The NSA.
(b) Facebook.
(c) Google.
(d) GitHub.

3. What did the data analytics CEO apologize to Wiener for when she left the company?
(a) Not responding to her complaints about sexual harassment.
(b) Not paying attention to her requests for overtime.
(c) Making her cry.
(d) Underpaying her.

4. What did Weiner say was the central value of software?
(a) Wisdom.
(b) Money.
(c) Design.
(d) Efficiency.

5. What new team at the open-source startup did Wiener join in Part IV?
(a) In-house innovators.
(b) Workplace diversity.
(c) Musical talent.
(d) Terms of Service.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Noah ask Wiener to proofread for him?

2. What eventually happened to the e-book startup?

3. What trip does the data analytics company take employees on that Wiener is ambivalent about?

4. What did the data analytics CEO do after firing Noah?

5. What kind of lawsuit did Wiener hear was brought against the open-source startup before she started there?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does the CEO ask the engineering team to do in Tahoe that Wiener later thinks is demeaning?

2. How does Wiener feel on a visit back to New York City in Part IV?

3. What ends up happening to the e-book startup that was Wiener's first tech job?

4. What does Wiener think when she sees a homeless person wearing one of the open-source startup's branded hoodies?

5. What is one thing that attracts Wiener to the open-source startup?

6. What does one male co-worker at the analytics startup say to Wiener about the first female engineer the company hires?

7. What does Wiener notice about the open-source startup's headquarters when she interviews there?

8. What does the analytics CEO say to Wiener that upsets her in Part III?

9. What happens to the analytics startup as it grows and hires more people?

10. What does Wiener say she knew she would regret looking back on her late twenties?

(see the answer keys)

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