Uncanny Valley Test | Final Test - Easy

Anna Wiener
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Uncanny Valley Test | Final Test - Easy

Anna Wiener
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did the data analytics CEO apologize to Wiener for when she left the company?
(a) Making her cry.
(b) Underpaying her.
(c) Not responding to her complaints about sexual harassment.
(d) Not paying attention to her requests for overtime.

2. What did Weiner look up in relation to the trolls she had to try to deal with at the open-source startup?
(a) Symbols she did not recognize.
(b) Dakimakura pillows.
(c) Troll language.
(d) Language references she did not recognize.

3. What did Wiener think biohacking might be a form of?
(a) Therapy.
(b) Navel-gazing.
(c) Privilege.
(d) Self-help.

4. How did Wiener feel among the computer science majors at the women in computing conference in Part IV?
(a) Out of place.
(b) Sad.
(c) Very comfortable.
(d) Angry.

5. What feeling did Wiener sometimes get while looking for a new job in Part III?
(a) She was applying for summer camp.
(b) She was overqualified for most tech jobs.
(c) She was underqualified for most publishing jobs.
(d) She would never have a marketable skill.

6. Why did Weiner say the data analytics CEO was expensive to work for?
(a) He urged employees to donate to charities extensively.
(b) Several employees sought therapy as a result of working for him.
(c) He urged employees to take part in expensive activities.
(d) He demanded everyone dress ery professionally.

7. What is one way Wiener thought of her savings account in Part III?
(a) A means of helping her parents financially.
(b) An escape hatch.
(c) A means of starting her own company.
(d) A nest egg.

8. What two animals made up the open-source startup's logo?
(a) Lion and tiger.
(b) Dove and cat.
(c) Cat and octopus.
(d) Bear and bird.

9. What kind of renaissance was San Francisco going through when she got there, according to Wiener?
(a) Climate-related.
(b) Culinary.
(c) Artistic.
(d) Political.

10. Who did Wiener see at the airport in New York also flying to San Francisco?
(a) The open-sources startup CEO.
(b) The founders of the e-book startup.
(c) The analytics startup CEO.
(d) Noah.

11. Where did Wiener go to participate in a hack house?
(a) Chicago.
(b) New York City.
(c) Phoenix.
(d) Denver.

12. What was the waiting room of the open-source startup a replica of?
(a) The Washington Monument.
(b) The Coliseum.
(c) The Oval Office.
(d) Carnegie Hall.

13. What eventually happened to the e-book startup?
(a) It went on to produce the most popular e-reader in the USA.
(b) The search-engine giant bought it.
(c) The open-source startup bought it.
(d) It lost all its money and folded.

14. What did Wiener see a homeless person wearing at the light-rail station in Part IV that gave her a jolt?
(a) Her own headphones that were recently stolen.
(b) One of the open-source startup's company hoodies.
(c) A garbage bag to keep the rain off.
(d) A shirt with the name of her high school on it.

15. Who did Wiener meet with in Part III who formerly worked for the analytics company and now said his conscience was clearer?
(a) Kyle.
(b) Noah.
(c) Ian.
(d) Ben.

Short Answer Questions

1. What report title at the analytics startup did Wiener think was inappropriate?

2. Where did Wiener go for an annual conference on women in computing?

3. What made being back in New York City for a visit in Part IV strange for Wiener?

4. What book did Wiener give Patrick when he said he was interested in incarceration?

5. What popular game did some women engineers use to make their points about discrimination and inequality in the tech world?

(see the answer keys)

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