Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What event causes the ball to end abruptly?
(a) The queen falls asleep.
(b) The party runs out of food.
(c) The prince declares he has proposed to someone.
(d) A raging fire.

2. How does Clara end up dying?
(a) From sadness.
(b) She kills herself.
(c) Margarethe finally gets her revenge and kills her.
(d) From a heart complaint.

3. What happens to Margarethe after the ball?
(a) She runs away, so no one is really sure.
(b) She goes insane.
(c) She kills herself.
(d) She is still alive but blind.

4. Who warns Clara when van Stolk enters the ball?
(a) Ruth.
(b) Iris.
(c) Margarethe.
(d) Schoonmaker.

5. Who does the Master tell Iris he views as responsible for bringing van den Meer to ruin?
(a) Iris.
(b) Clara.
(c) Henrika.
(d) Margarethe.

6. What ended up happening to Cornelius's finances?
(a) They never improved.
(b) They were completely dependent on Margarethe's management.
(c) They eventually recovered.
(d) They continued to get worse and worse.

7. What key item did Iris leave behind at the ball?
(a) The key she always wears around her neck.
(b) Her purse.
(c) None of these answers is correct.
(d) Her shoe.

8. What do Iris and Clara use as collateral in order to get Clara a gown?
(a) Money Ruth has been secretly hiding away.
(b) The last of their family fortune.
(c) Margarethe's fancy new shoes.
(d) Henrika's jewels.

9. As the ball approaches and Clara becomes increasingly reclusive, what does Iris accuse her of becoming like?
(a) A domesticated animal.
(b) A nun.
(c) A house servant.
(d) A priest.

10. What kind of head piece will Clara wear to the ball to disguise herself?
(a) A Spanish veil.
(b) She is not going to disguise herself at all at the ball.
(c) A hooded cloak.
(d) A mask.

11. What confession of Margarethe's did Ruth overhear one night?
(a) That she murdered Henrika.
(b) That she never loved her children.
(c) That Clara was, in fact, her real daughter.
(d) The she had hidden money she never let anyone use.

12. How many children does Clara end up having?
(a) Two.
(b) Three.
(c) One.
(d) Four.

13. How did Marie de Medici lose her power?
(a) She lost it when her husband died.
(b) She never had much power to begin with.
(c) Her own son overthrew her.
(d) She resigned it.

14. What does Clara confess, by her father's bedside, about why she felt such a connection with Ruth?
(a) Ruth's illness makes Clara feel even more beautiful than she already does.
(b) Ruth has been teaching her in secret to read and write.
(c) Ruth can actually talk but only does so to Clara.
(d) Clara thinks Ruth is a changeling, too.

15. As the ball approaches, what part of the van den Meer house does Clara often refuse to leave?
(a) The kitchen.
(b) The tulip shed in the backyard.
(c) Her father's bedside.
(d) Her bedroom.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Clara get home from the ball?

2. How does Cornelius react to his grandchildren?

3. What does Iris tell Clara that changes her mind about attending the ball?

4. How much of the van den Meers' household has been lost because of their debt?

5. As the ball approaches, what does the reader learn about Margarethe's neighbors' opinion of her?

(see the answer keys)

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