Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does van den Meer plan on revealing the painting he commissioned?
(a) By donating it to a city museum.
(b) By unveiling it in the town square.
(c) By donating it to a city church.
(d) Through a fancy dinner party.

2. Who is Caspar?
(a) Schoonmaker's apprentice.
(b) The Fishers' boss when Schoonmaker is gone.
(c) A boy who works at a church.
(d) The man who delivers groceries every day.

3. When she first arrives, what services does Margarethe offer the townspeople in exchange for food and housing?
(a) Ministering.
(b) Anything she can think of.
(c) Singing.
(d) Painting.

4. When the town's river freezes over, how do Clara and Iris share their one pair of skates?
(a) Each girl takes one skate apiece.
(b) They decide not to use them at all.
(c) They take turns using the skates.
(d) Clara lets Iris use them both as a special treat.

5. What is the financial situation of the van den Meers when the Fishers move in with them?
(a) The van den Meers are neither rich nor poor.
(b) The van den Meers are poor now, but expect to get more money.
(c) The van den Meers are very wealthy.
(d) The van den Meers are on the brink of poverty.

6. What is kermis?
(a) A type of Dutch dress.
(b) The nickname Margarethe calls Clara behind her back.
(c) The last day before Lent begins.
(d) A religious practice that only girls are allowed to do.

7. Henrika and Margarethe usually get along:
(a) They never see each other.
(b) Sometimes really well and sometimes not very well at all.
(c) Perfectly -- they quickly become best friends.
(d) Not very well at all.

8. Who is the American equivalent of Sinter Klaas, the person for whom the girls leave their shoes out one night?
(a) There is no equivalent for this figure.
(b) The tooth fairy.
(c) Sister Klass, the patron saint of candy.
(d) Santa Claus.

9. What does the Master call Mr. van den Meer that crosses a line of acceptability?
(a) A money-hungry lump.
(b) A fraud.
(c) A hen-pecked husband.
(d) An adulterer.

10. What do Caspar and Iris both believe lives in the highest part of the van den Meers' house?
(a) An imp.
(b) Strange animals.
(c) A hooded man.
(d) A sick relative.

11. What is the name of the painting the Master creates for van den Meer?
(a) Girl with Flowers by a Window.
(b) Clara, My Beloved.
(c) Young Woman with Tulips.
(d) Young Woman with Two Lips.

12. How does the Master respond to the success of his painting of Clara?
(a) He starts being mean to everyone around him.
(b) He is very proud and excited.
(c) He becomes incredibly wealthy.
(d) He becomes depressed.

13. What items does Margarethe give Iris to give the Van den Meers when she is sent over to their household for the first time?
(a) A fancy silk handkerchief.
(b) A pastry.
(c) A toy windmill.
(d) A letter.

14. What happens to Rebekka?
(a) She steals money from the van den Meers.
(b) She ends up having an affair with Mr. van den Meer.
(c) She is fired for teaching Iris how to read and write.
(d) She drops dead from the plague while in the van den Meer kitchen.

15. After the Fishers flee their homeland, who are they expecting will house and feed them?
(a) Margarethe's brother.
(b) Margarethe's grandfather.
(c) The girls' long-lost father.
(d) Nuns in a local church.

Short Answer Questions

1. What reaction does Clara have to the windmill?

2. Who is Luykas?

3. What has happened to Pieter ten Broek?

4. Why are the Master and Caspar invited over for dinner with the newly formed van den Meer family?

5. What city do the Fishers flee to?

(see the answer keys)

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