Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 3 The Girl of Ashes.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does the Master respond to the success of his painting of Clara?
(a) He becomes incredibly wealthy.
(b) He is very proud and excited.
(c) He starts being mean to everyone around him.
(d) He becomes depressed.

2. What items does Margarethe give Iris to give the Van den Meers when she is sent over to their household for the first time?
(a) A fancy silk handkerchief.
(b) A pastry.
(c) A toy windmill.
(d) A letter.

3. After her mother's death, why is Clara forced to leave the house?
(a) Because Margarethe demands she do it.
(b) To attend her mother's funeral.
(c) To go shopping in the marketplace.
(d) Because her father wants to flee with her in the middle of the night.

4. How does van den Meer plan on revealing the painting he commissioned?
(a) By donating it to a city museum.
(b) By unveiling it in the town square.
(c) Through a fancy dinner party.
(d) By donating it to a city church.

5. What are Iris and Margarethe a little afraid Schoonmaker will ask Iris to do when they first start working together?
(a) To pose naked while he paints her.
(b) To spend all day in a very hot kitchen.
(c) To beg for money in the streets.
(d) To do very hard, physical labor even though she is very young.

Short Answer Questions

1. What role does Ruth take in Schoonmaker's household?

2. What worries Iris about the Master's "I am going to ruin you yet" comment while he is working on his painting of Clara?

3. Who is The Queen of the Hairy-Chinned Gypsies?

4. When the book begins, from what country have the Fishers fled?

5. After the successful unveiling of the painting of Clara, what does Margarethe ask Mr. van den Meer for?

(see the answer key)

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