The Ugly American Test | Final Test - Easy

William J. Lederer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Ugly American Test | Final Test - Easy

William J. Lederer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Homer Atkins bring with him when he moves to Sarkhan?
(a) Joe Bing
(b) Louis Sears
(c) Jeepo
(d) His wife, Emma

2. What example of "tinsel" does U Maung Swe offer?
(a) Rotten produce flown in from San Francisco
(b) Promises to Burma of a mobile floating dredge which turned out to be a rusting old stationery dredge which even the Americans could not get to work
(c) Items used to decorate Christmas Trees in the Sarkhanese homes
(d) News coverage of the Miss Sarkhan Pageant

3. What event does Hillandale get invited to soon after arriving in Sarkhan?
(a) A going away party for Louis Sears
(b) A reception honoing Donald and Roger
(c) Dinner at Marie MacIntosh's house
(d) Dinner at the Phillipines Embassy

4. The authors say America should stop selling guns and money and sell what instead?
(a) Books
(b) Rice
(c) Bananas
(d) The dignity of freedom

5. The authors say the American embassies overseas are so busy trying to entertain visiting American VIP's that they resemble what?
(a) Tourist agencies
(b) Brothels
(c) Carnivals
(d) Corporations

6. When fighting an enemy that has superior numbers, what does Mao say is the key to success?
(a) Foreign aid and intelligence
(b) Well fed troops who are promoted often
(c) Firepower and wealth
(d) Mobility and the use of darkness

7. Who does Homer Atkins choose to partner with on the pump manufacturing?
(a) Henry Knox
(b) Joe Bing
(c) Gilbert MacWhite
(d) A local villager named Jeepo

8. What does Atkins recommend instead of dams and roads?
(a) A brick factory and a canning plant
(b) Interstate highways and rest stops
(c) A chicken farm and a water pump factory
(d) A munitions plant and a dress factory

9. What are the main requests MacWhite makes for a change of policy in foreign service personnel?
(a) Bring only military style clothes, restrict travel within the country, and no fraternization with natives
(b) Better training as cooks, recruit blonde women only, and raise the salary of the Ambassador
(c) Learn the language of the country assigned to, commit to two years, no luxuries, no private autos, be well versed in communism ideology
(d) Reduce pay for servants, limit the number of parties per week, and ride bicycles to work

10. What is the surprise weapon the men decide to use against the Communists?
(a) AK-47s and Uzis
(b) A female spy
(c) An atomic bomb
(d) A rocket truck

11. What does MacWhite ask Atkins to do?
(a) Move to Sarkhan
(b) Leave the room
(c) Move to Burma
(d) Return to the United States

12. What organization does U Maung Swe speak of that provided aid in an acceptable manner?
(a) GMAC
(b) Union Carbide
(c) The Ford Foundation
(d) The Gates Foundation

13. What is the real reason MacWhite is being replaced as an Ambassador?
(a) He angered the Sarkhanese government
(b) He announced he was defecting to the Soviet Union
(c) He told the truth about conditions in Asia and the truth was different from the official government line
(d) He became a Buddhist

14. What is his original intention with his planned trip to southeast Asia?
(a) To discover new recipes
(b) To find a new wife and new home
(c) To determine the truth of the American situation there
(d) To search out his family's origins

15. When MacWhite writes his letter to the Secretary of State, how many Americans does he say have been through the embassy and how many were valuable in the struggle against communism?
(a) Over 300 people, only five valuable
(b) Over 300 peope, none valuable
(c) Over 10 people, none valuable
(d) Over 500 people, all valuable

Short Answer Questions

1. What does U Maung Swe recommend to MacWhite?

2. How long does the conference go well before there are problems?

3. Senator Brown wanted to talk to real soldiers and natives. Who did he talk to?

4. Who is the new Ambassador to Sarkhan?

5. When Hillandale visits the capital city of Sarkhan, what sort of shop does he notice outnumbers all the others?

(see the answer keys)

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