Ubu Roi Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ubu Roi Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where did Manure go?
(a) Germany.
(b) Poland.
(c) England.
(d) Russia.

2. Who appears with the Czar?
(a) Manure.
(b) No one.
(c) Buggerless.
(d) Ma.

3. How do Ma and Pa escape?
(a) Buggerless trips and falls to the ground.
(b) Ma begs for mercy.
(c) Pa swings the bear's body and knocks people to the ground.
(d) Pa kills Buggerless and everyone else runs away.

4. What is always Pa's first reaction in battle?
(a) Suprise.
(b) Outrage.
(c) Terror.
(d) Tearing the person apart.

5. How does Pa speak about Manure?
(a) With awe.
(b) Dismissively.
(c) With high regards.
(d) Arrogantly.

6. How does Pa react to the message?
(a) He begins to cry.
(b) He asks for advice as to what to do next.
(c) He immediately turns around to help her.
(d) He tells the messenger he's lying.

7. What does say that Pa and Ma owe to Manure?
(a) A place of honor in the kingdom.
(b) A kingdom of his own.
(c) Handsome reward.
(d) Debt of gratitude.

8. What causes Ma to run off?
(a) She sees Buggerless approaching.
(b) She hears a strange sound.
(c) She hears Pa's voice.
(d) She sees a ghost of a former king.

9. What does Ma tell Pa that his only action is?
(a) To send an assassin for Mannure.
(b) To build a fortress.
(c) To declare war on Russia.
(d) To go into hiding.

10. What does Ma have to do to get Pa to pay attention to him?
(a) She has to swear at him.
(b) She has to threaten him.
(c) She has to give him money.
(d) She has to kick him.

11. Who comes into the cave while Pa is punishing Ma?
(a) The angel.
(b) Buggerless.
(c) Manure.
(d) Czar.

12. Why does Pa believe he is feeling ill?
(a) He doesn't know why.
(b) He regrets what he did.
(c) He ate too much.
(d) He was poisoned.

13. Which of the following isn't something Pa complains about on his march to Russia?
(a) About his weapons and belongings.
(b) About Ma's attempt to steal gold.
(c) About how he can't afford a carriage.
(d) About how tired he is.

14. What are the peasants talking about when they hear Pa approaching?
(a) Who will pay their taxes.
(b) How much they hate him.
(c) Who will kill Pa.
(d) How to reinstate Buggerless.

15. Why does Pa order lunch to be served?
(a) He says that he must eat before a battle.
(b) He says that a full stomach will protect them.
(c) He says that he is too scared to fight right now.
(d) He says that the Russians never fight at midday.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where is Manure in Scene 5?

2. What do the men discuss as Pa is sleeping?

3. Who does Ma fight in the cave?

4. Which of the following is not one of the joys talked about of being king?

5. What does Pa say to the person who comes into the cave?

(see the answer keys)

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