Ubu Roi Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ubu Roi Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Pa complain about in regards to the menu?
(a) That it doesn't taste very good.
(b) How long it took to make.
(c) How much it will cost.
(d) That there is nothing there that he likes.

2. What does Manure say the people will do if he doesn't give them money?
(a) Kill him in revenge.
(b) Overthrow him.
(c) Refuse to pay their taxes.
(d) Reinstate Buggerless as king.

3. What news does the messenger bring to Ma and Pa?
(a) Manure needs to meet with them in private.
(b) Manure has brought them up on charges.
(c) They are being evicted from their home.
(d) They are being summoned to meet the king.

4. What does Buggerless say that he wants to do?
(a) Kill Pa.
(b) Kill Manure.
(c) Keep his mother safe.
(d) Kill his brothers.

5. What does Pa make all of the participants do before they leave?
(a) Sign a confession that they were helping him.
(b) Swear an oath of loyalty to him.
(c) Promise not to speak to anyone else about the plan.
(d) Review the details of the plan.

6. What happens between Ma and Pa when the guests come in?
(a) They continue arguing.
(b) They become friendlier to each other.
(c) They use more vulgarity though it is in code.
(d) They pretend like the do not know each other.

7. How does Pa describe Ma to the king?
(a) Old woman.
(b) Old hag.
(c) Beautiful woman.
(d) Loving wife.

8. What does Manure suggest Pa should do?
(a) Have the people ask for the amount they need.
(b) Hold auditions where the best will win gold.
(c) Hold a race to earn a chest full of gold.
(d) Stop handing out gold and save it for himself.

9. What does Ma think will happen to her?
(a) She will be queen.
(b) She will have to take charge of the situation.
(c) She will have money.
(d) She will be able to kill him.

10. What does Ma tell Pa about his thoughts?
(a) She says he blew their plans.
(b) She says he should relax.
(c) She says he is stupid.
(d) She says that the king knows of their plan.

11. What does the winner of the race get?
(a) A position of trust.
(b) A home in the palace.
(c) A place in the kingdom.
(d) A chest of gold.

12. Which of the following is the best definition for a satire?
(a) Comedy without hope.
(b) Comedy with exaggeration and foolishness.
(c) A drama with death and violence.
(d) A drama which occurs through a dream.

13. What does Pa joke about before he starts eating?
(a) How ugly Ma is.
(b) How Ma can do nothing right.
(c) How worthless Ma is.
(d) How disgusting the food looks like.

14. What does the king do for Pa?
(a) Makes him a count.
(b) Makes him a duke.
(c) Makes him an offer of more land.
(d) Makes him a member of the court.

15. What happens at the parade?
(a) Pa is accidently killed.
(b) Pa gives the signal and the king is attacked.
(c) Pa is forced to attack the king himself.
(d) Pa becomes too cowardly and does nothing.

Short Answer Questions

1. What plans do Pa, Ma and the captain discuss?

2. What does Ma think will happen if Pa succeeds with her plan?

3. Why does Pa want to get rid of all of the guests except Captain Manure?

4. What does Pa do when he he gets tired of hearing what Ma has to say?

5. How does Ma feel about her actions and success at convincing Pa to follow her plan?

(see the answer keys)

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