Tyrell Test | Final Test - Medium

Coe Booth
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Tyrell Test | Final Test - Medium

Coe Booth
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Jasmine and Tyrell share in Chapter 25 in front of the other two boys?
(a) A cigarette.
(b) A bagel.
(c) A sandwich.
(d) A pie.

2. Who does Jasmine tell Tyrell she was dating at the same time?
(a) Miguel and Hector.
(b) Hector and Emiliano.
(c) Miguel and Emiliano.
(d) Jose and Hector.

3. In Chapter 24, what is Tyrell trying to get Novisha to do with him?
(a) Shop with him.
(b) Do his homework for him.
(c) Have intercourse.
(d) Write his college applications for him.

4. What does Jasmine ask Tyrell to do in Chapter 26 that gets him excited?
(a) Buy condoms.
(b) Take off his pants.
(c) Break up with Novisha.
(d) Buy her a ring.

5. What does Jasmine offer to do for Tyrell's party in Chapter 26?
(a) Dance at it with her friends.
(b) Pay for it.
(c) Keep the cops away from it.
(d) Give people rides to it.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Tyrell tell his mother on the train to Novisha's house in Chapter 34?

2. What does the person at Jasmine's school try to entice Tyrell to come back with?

3. What does Mrs. Morton give Tyrell before he leaves Troy's school?

4. What does Tyrell do at Cal's in Chapter 19?

5. Who comes to find Tyrell in the morning in Chapter 22?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 26, what is Tyrell worried about having to do with his party?

2. In Chapter 28, how does Jasmine "set up" Tyrell?

3. Why is Tyrell's mother so upset about what the EAU people told her earlier that day in Chapter 33?

4. In Chapter 17, what does Tyrell say to his mother about meeting Troy's teacher?

5. What does Tyrell primarily want to use the cash he is going to make from the party for?

6. In Chapter 31, what does Tyrell tell Jasmine he is worried about when his father gets out of prison?

7. In Chapter 24, what does Tyrell read in Novisha's diary that makes him really upset?

8. What does Tyrell think about Jasmine as opposed to what he thinks about Novisha in Chapter 21?

9. In Chapter 18, what does Tyrell ask Leon to help him with and what does he think of Leon?

10. Why do Cal's brothers tell him to leave their apartment for a while?

(see the answer keys)

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