Typee: A Peep at Polynesian Life [Edited by George Woodcock] Test | Final Test - Easy

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Typee: A Peep at Polynesian Life [Edited by George Woodcock] Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does breadfruit come from?
(a) The Happars' part of the island.
(b) Other islands.
(c) Large trees.
(d) Cultivated groves.

2. What does Tommo find is in short supply on the island?
(a) Breadfruit.
(b) Wild boar.
(c) Gold.
(d) Salt.

3. How does Kory-Kory reassure Tommo?
(a) He tells him that his bad leg prevents him from being eaten.
(b) He tells him that he is likely to be rescued soon.
(c) He tells him that he is part of the tribe now, and will never be eaten.
(d) He tells him that the Typee warriors were feasting on pig, not Happar warriors.

4. What technical knowledge of Tommo's do the Typees express interest in?
(a) Needle and thread.
(b) Gunpowder.
(c) Sailing and navigation.
(d) Penicillin.

5. How do the women dress for the feast?
(a) They wear only loincloths, with flowers in their hair.
(b) In tappa skirts, wrapped in flowers.
(c) They wear robes of feathers and flowers.
(d) They wear elaborate batik skirts.

6. What does Marnoo describe to Tommo and the others?
(a) The Americans' search for Toby and Tommo.
(b) The activities of the French.
(c) The escape of other Typee prisoners.
(d) The Happars' war preparations.

7. Whom does Tommo ask Mehevi to take on the canoe?
(a) Toby.
(b) Tinor.
(c) Kory-Kory.
(d) Fayaway.

8. What does Kory-Kory bring to Tommo to add variety to his diet?
(a) Seaweed.
(b) Pork.
(c) Wild birds.
(d) Boar.

9. What is Tommo surprised not to find on the island?
(a) Songbirds.
(b) Crocodiles.
(c) Snakes.
(d) Sharks.

10. What animals is Tommo surprised to find in Typee?
(a) Pigs and horses.
(b) Chickens.
(c) A donkey.
(d) Dogs and a cat.

11. What does Tommo think about human sacrifices before the feast?
(a) He thinks it is necessary to the harmony of the cosmos.
(b) He thinks it is a grave religious ritual.
(c) He thinks it is an exaggeration from sailors.
(d) He thinks it is a way to take power from an enemy.

12. How many husbands do most Typee women have?
(a) As many as they like.
(b) Three.
(c) Two.
(d) One.

13. What does Kory-Kory tell Tommo about the ancient site?
(a) It was built by the gods.
(b) It was built by slaves.
(c) His forefathers built it.
(d) It was built by the French.

14. How does Tommo describe the activity before sleep?
(a) It is fierce and aggressive.
(b) It is quiet and meditative.
(c) It is a low monotonous chant with slow tapping of sticks.
(d) It is at first quite lively but then slows to a quiet mood.

15. How does Tommo describe the sound made by the young women's instruments?
(a) Syncopated.
(b) Harsh.
(c) Pleasing.
(d) Grating.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why do the natives grow up to be good swimmers, in Tommo's experience?

2. Where is private property a Typee practice?

3. What about the appearance of the Typees does Tommo notice most?

4. What does Marnoo know about Toby's fate?

5. What does Tommo say is the Typees' one outlet for aggression?

(see the answer keys)

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