Typee: A Peep at Polynesian Life [Edited by George Woodcock] Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Typee: A Peep at Polynesian Life [Edited by George Woodcock] Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the Ti?
(a) Grounds where rituals are performed.
(b) A building where the Typees meet.
(c) The stream where Tommo washes.
(d) The center of the Typee village.

2. What course of action does Toby urge for himself and Tommo?
(a) Marry Typee girls.
(b) Return to the ships.
(c) Escape.
(d) Wage battle, with the Typees, against the Happars.

3. How do the girls in the village treat Tommo?
(a) They wash him in the stream twice a day.
(b) They shun him.
(c) They tease him and run away when he tries to talk with them.
(d) They rub him with oils after Kory-Kory bathes him.

4. Where do Toby and the narrator follow the children to?
(a) A village.
(b) The cliffs.
(c) The beach.
(d) A native shelter.

5. Who are the Typees?
(a) Friends of the Happars.
(b) Cannibals.
(c) Friends of the Nukuheva.
(d) None of the answers is correct.

6. How do the Typees respond to news of a boat in their bay?
(a) They gather goods to trade.
(b) They hide in the bush.
(c) They reconnoiter the bay.
(d) They arm themselves.

7. Who causes a scene when they arrive on the narrator's ship?
(a) Ambassadors from Nukuheva.
(b) Mutinied sailors.
(c) The captain of a French ship.
(d) The king and queen of Nukuheva.

8. Where did the French Admiral sail for after Nukuheva?
(a) Hawaii.
(b) Tahiti.
(c) Australia.
(d) Borneo.

9. How much experience of white men have the natives had?
(a) They have traded with them for years.
(b) They have traveled with white men.
(c) They have taken white men among them before.
(d) They have never observed them closely before.

10. Why does the narrator run away from the Dolly?
(a) He falls in love with a native girl.
(b) He considers the captain a tyrant.
(c) He was left ashore mistakenly.
(d) He wants to be alone.

11. How does Toby end up unconscious?
(a) He is shot by a French soldier.
(b) He falls from a waterfall.
(c) He eats something poisonous.
(d) He is hit by a Happar spear.

12. What breaks Toby's fall when he jumps at the bottom of the descent of the second waterfall?
(a) Native hunters.
(b) The water.
(c) A palm tree.
(d) Low bushes.

13. According to the narrator, what do sea birds signal?
(a) Good weather.
(b) Whales.
(c) Other shipping.
(d) Approaching land.

14. How many days food supply do the narrator and Toby have when they reach the mountain?
(a) Four.
(b) Three.
(c) Five.
(d) Six.

15. Who comes to see Toby and Tommo after they wake up?
(a) Groups of male natives.
(b) Groups of Happars.
(c) Groups of children.
(d) Groups of female natives.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the French put ashore at the beginning of Chapter 3?

2. How does Tommo get around the Typee village?

3. What does the narrator see when he wakes up after a nap on his second day on the island?

4. Under what condition will Kory-Kory allow Toby to go to the shore to meet the boat?

5. What does Kory-Kory tell Toby and Tommo about the Happars?

(see the answer keys)

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