Two Treatises of Government Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Two Treatises of Government Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Locke think sometimes determines who will be king?
(a) A person's intelligence.
(b) Wealth.
(c) The size of the army and its success.
(d) Luck.

2. What is the basis of sovereignty of monarchs in the First Treatise?
(a) That no one opposes monarchs.
(b) That slaves do not rebel.
(c) That citizens accept the theory.
(d) That the power of Adam is conveyed to succeeding generations.

3. What does paternal authority imply?
(a) That monarchs will not survive.
(b) That there can only be one king in the world.
(c) That the authority of kings will be challenged.
(d) That men live for a long time.

4. What fact does Locke believe refutes Filmer's claims?
(a) The property owner's rights.
(b) The sovereignty shared between parents.
(c) The slave owner's rights.
(d) The birth of Adam.

5. What kinds of goods does the first-born child inherit?
(a) The right to rule and control over the entire kingdom and its possessions.
(b) Right to control siblings only.
(c) Property only.
(d) Slaves only.

6. What does Locke say cannot be inferred from the biblical commandments?
(a) Right to own slaves.
(b) Free will.
(c) Absolute obedience to the king.
(d) Right to own property.

7. Who has joint dominion over the children in Locke's opinion?
(a) The king and queen.
(b) King James and his wife.
(c) Father and mother.
(d) Slaves and slave owners.

8. Why is it important to explain inheritance in the First Treatise?
(a) To determine who has the right to rule.
(b) To determine who populates the world.
(c) To determine who has the right to own slaves.
(d) To determine who survives the Flood.

9. Who questions the details of rulership?
(a) King James.
(b) Locke.
(c) Adam.
(d) Filmer.

10. Who are the inheritors?
(a) Property owners.
(b) Adam's line and posterity.
(c) Eve.
(d) Adam's children Cain and Abel only.

11. How does Locke differ in his perception of Eve as compared to Filmer?
(a) Locke believes that Eve controlled all the power in her relationship with Adam.
(b) Locke believes that Eve was powerless.
(c) Locke argues that Eve was a warrior.
(d) Locke does not believe that Eve had to be subjected to the power of Adam.

12. In the First Treatise, whose heir is in question?
(a) Filmer's.
(b) Eve's.
(c) Noah's.
(d) Adam's.

13. What was Cain told about his power?
(a) That it will diminish with age.
(b) That he will lose it.
(c) That he will rule over his brother Abel.
(d) That he has none.

14. What are the only two ways that kings can come to power, according to Filmer?
(a) Through marriage and winning wars.
(b) By being the heirs of fathers of people or the heirs of usurpers of power.
(c) Through the vote of the people.
(d) Through property ownership.

15. The king's right to supremacy over subjects is similar to what other power mentioned in the first five chapters of the book?
(a) The court jester's desire to flatter the monarch.
(b) Adam's right to supremacy over his family.
(c) Filmer over his followers.
(d) The head of slaves to other slaves.

Short Answer Questions

1. What order did the first man in the world receive from God?

2. What does Filmer's logic imply about succeeding monarchs?

3. Which son of Adam is the oldest?

4. According to the First Treatise, in whom is power vested?

5. What issues arise with Noah?

(see the answer keys)

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