Two Kinds Test | Final Test - Easy

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Two Kinds Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many mothers comprise the Joy Luck Club in the story?
(a) 4
(b) 7
(c) 5
(d) 6

2. What musical term from the story refers to a group of notes taken in ascending or descending order within the compass of one octave?
(a) Sonata
(b) Treble
(c) Scale
(d) Bass

3. What musical term from Jing-Mei’s piano lessons means characterized by abruptness and disconnectedness?
(a) Trill
(b) Arpeggio
(c) Reverie
(d) Staccato

4. When Jing-Mei refuses to practice piano after the talent show, she tells her mother, “Why should I? I’m not” what?
(a) Your daughter
(b) A genius
(c) Talented
(d) You

5. Of the composition that the piano prodigy plays on The Ed Sullivan Show, Jing-Mei says, “I remember the song, because later on” what?
(a) I had that song played at my wedding
(b) I heard it again on the radio
(c) I had to learn how to play it
(d) It was the song played at my mother’s funeral

6. Jing-Mei says in the end of the story that “unlike my mother, I did not believe I could” what?
(a) Overcome my heritage
(b) Be talented or worthy
(c) Be anything I wanted to be
(d) Be free

7. Jing-Mei describes the girl playing piano on The Ed Sullivan Show as taking a fancy sweep of a curtsy so that the fluffy skirt of her “dress cascaded slowly to the floor like the petals of” what?
(a) A giant rose
(b) A giant daisy
(c) A large carnation
(d) A large orchid

8. After Jing-Mei’s mother tells her that she has enrolled her in piano lessons, Jing-Mei says, “When my mother told me this, I felt as though I had been” what?
(a) Sent to heaven
(b) Given a kingdom
(c) Sent to hell
(d) Swept under the rug

9. What does Jing-Mei say she put the sweaters her mother knitted in after she died in the end of the story?
(a) Moth-proof boxes
(b) A garbage bag
(c) An air-tight bag
(d) A wooden chest

10. When Jing-Mei has a revelation while staring at herself in the bathroom mirror as a child, she says, “I had new thoughts, willful thoughts, or rather thoughts willed with lots of” what?
(a) Can’ts
(b) Hates
(c) Don’ts
(d) Won’ts

11. What does Jing-Mei’s mother tell her she looks like after she’s been given a bad perm at the beauty school?
(a) Negro Chinese
(b) Raggedy Anne
(c) A Cupie Doll
(d) An orphan

12. What word from the story mean to find fault in, blame, or censure?
(a) Tolerate
(b) Adulterate
(c) Confiscate
(d) Reproach

13. What color dress does Jing-Mei wear for her piano debut at the talent show?
(a) Red
(b) Yellow
(c) Blue
(d) White

14. When Jing-Mei stands up after playing her piano solo at the talent show, she realizes what are shaking?
(a) Her hands
(b) Her legs
(c) Her shoulders
(d) Her ribs

15. What is the name of Auntie Lindo’s daughter in the story?
(a) Betty
(b) An-Mei
(c) Waverly
(d) Ying-Ying

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is the only person applauding when Jing-Mei looks up from her curtsy at the talent show?

2. At what time does Jing-Mei’s mother insist that Jing-Mei begin her piano practice following the talent show fiasco?

3. Of Auntie Lindo’s daughter, Jing-Mei says “We had grown up together and shared all the closeness of two sisters squabbling over crayons and dolls. In other words, for the most part, we” what?

4. How many sons does Auntie Lindo have in the story?

5. Jing-Mei says that Mr. Chong would have her curve her hand around what object and then keep that shape while playing chords?

(see the answer keys)

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