Two for the Dough Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Two for the Dough Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who gives Stephanie Moogey's address in Trenton?

2. Why does Stephanie get stuck on a curb when she should be chasing the "smaller car"?

3. Why is Stephanie hunting a certain character in a stake-out?

4. Why does Roberta leave the scene after she is questioned?

5. At the Sandman's apartment, what does Stephanie leave with the neighbor?

Short Essay Questions

1. What drives Stephanie's distrust of Morelli in this particular case?

2. Stephanie attends dinner with her grandmother hoping to get a lead on her case through neighborhood gossip. The grandmother invites Stephanie to dinner in hopes that she will connect with Spiro, the surprise dinner guest. What do these actions say about the relationship of these women to each other?

3. Why does Stephanie hire a former prostitute to work for Vinnie?

4. Does the fact that the stolen guns are from Fort Braddock mean that Kenny is guilty?

5. Why do the residents of the 'Burg see it as unusual for Stephanie to be single?

6. Could Stephanie accomplish what she does if she lived somewhere that was not as close knit?

7. How does the information about the money spent on funerals continue to cast suspicion on Spiro's story?

8. What do Stephanie and her Grandmother argue about prior to Moogey's funeral?

9. What does the cat in the hamster cage symbolize?

10. Stephanie is often shown consuming what type of food throughout the story?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Choose a character you liked. Using the topics below, analyze this character's appeal to you.

Part 1) Who was your favorite character and why?

Part 2) What do you have in common with this character? Do you see yourself in him/her?

Part 3) What did this character accomplish in the story? If you were in his/her shoes, do you feel you could have achieved the same accomplishment or would you have done something differently?

Part 4) What did you learn from the character that you will apply to your everyday life?

Essay Topic 2

The 'Burg was practically a character in the novel itself. This community had a life of its own and beliefs of its own that shaped the characters and the outcome of the story.

Part 1) Describe the 'Burg. What were its unique qualities? How did its character affect the story?

Part 2) What is the significance of the 'Burg in this novel? Could the same story be as believable without the 'Burg as a location?

Part 3) If you were to offer up a different setting for the story, what would be a location option as strong as this one and why?

Essay Topic 3

The 'Burg is a community that offers up an interesting mix of progressive and non-progressive thought. Compare and contrast the several examples of progressive and non-progressive behavior from the citizens of the 'Burg.

(see the answer keys)

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