Two Can Keep a Secret Test | Final Test - Easy

Karen M. McManus
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Two Can Keep a Secret Test | Final Test - Easy

Karen M. McManus
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Ellery and Malcolm decide to do at the end of Chapter Twenty-Six?
(a) Follow Vance Puckett.
(b) Attend the homecoming dance.
(c) Break into Viv's locker.
(d) Spy on Ryan Rodriguez.

2. What does Malcolm ask Ellery to do as they are dancing in Chapter Twenty-Seven?
(a) Visit a clown museum with him.
(b) Visit prospective colleges with him.
(c) Visit a petting zoo with him.
(d) Visit his father with him.

3. Who was initially behind the vandalism, as revealed in Chapter Thirty-Six?
(a) Viv.
(b) Vance.
(c) Theo.
(d) Katrin.

4. According to Ellery in Chapter Twenty-Six, who has motive and opportunity to hurt Brooke?
(a) Vance.
(b) Viv.
(c) Declan.
(d) Katrin.

5. Who is a search party captain, as Malcolm learns in Chapter Twenty-Three?
(a) Vance Puckett.
(b) Theo Coolidge.
(c) Peter Nilsson.
(d) Kyle McNulty.

6. What do Ellery and Malcolm observe Katrin doing after she leaves the homecoming dance in Chapter Twenty-Seven?
(a) Vandalizing the school.
(b) Crying.
(c) Vomiting.
(d) Making a phone call.

7. Which person does Malcolm record committing an act of vandalism in Chapter Twenty-Nine?
(a) Daisy.
(b) Declan.
(c) Viv.
(d) Katrin.

8. Where are Ellery and Malcolm confined in Chapter Thirty-Five?
(a) The shed.
(b) The garage.
(c) The basement.
(d) The attic.

9. Of what does Malcolm dream in Chapter Twenty-Nine?
(a) The first time he saw Ellery.
(b) Lacey's funeral.
(c) Declan crying.
(d) His father leaving.

10. According to Daisy in Chapter Twenty-Four, why did she leave Boston?
(a) She was being stalked.
(b) She won the lottery.
(c) She was fired.
(d) She had a nervous breakdown.

11. According to Officer Rodriguez in Chapter Thirty-Two, why are the McNultys not being investigated?
(a) They have cut a deal with prosecutors.
(b) They are very rich.
(c) They have confirmed alibis.
(d) Their father is a policeman.

12. Who is the twins' father, as revealed in Chapter Twenty-Eight?
(a) Mr. Rodriguez.
(b) Peter Nilsson.
(c) Chad McNulty.
(d) Vance Puckett.

13. What does Malcolm do with the recording of the vandal in Chapter Twenty-Nine?
(a) He takes it to Officer McNulty.
(b) He deletes it.
(c) He gives it to Officer Rodriguez.
(d) He does nothing with it.

14. Who is Viv's date to the homecoming dance?
(a) Theo.
(b) Malcolm.
(c) Kyle.
(d) Declan.

15. Whom do Ellery and Malcolm decide to monitor at the end of Chapter Twenty-Six?
(a) Kyle.
(b) Daisy.
(c) Katrin.
(d) Declan.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to the article that just appeared in the Burlington Free Press in Chapter Twenty-Three, what is the link between Lacey and Brooke?

2. According to Daisy in Chapter Twenty-Four, whom did she secretly love while in high school?

3. What does Katrin believe about Malcolm, as she tells Officer McNulty in Chapter Eighteen?

4. What object is found by Brooke's body, as revealed in Chapter Thirty-Three?

5. How does the murderer intend for Ellery and Malcolm to die in Chapter Thirty-Five?

(see the answer keys)

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