Twisted Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

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Twisted Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 51 - 63.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In what level of hell does Tyler keep drowning?
(a) 42.
(b) 5.
(c) 55.
(d) 2.

2. Where does Hannah go after dinner?
(a) To the pre-game pep rally.
(b) To talk to Yoda on the front porch.
(c) To the basement.
(d) To her room.

3. Why does Tyler's father berate him?
(a) For being rude to Mr. Hughes when he comes over.
(b) For being insolent to the police.
(c) Tyler's father thinks he is the one who posted the pictures.
(d) For being rude to his probation officer on the phone.

4. What does Tyler debate in his mind?
(a) Whether to drink alcohol.
(b) Whether to make Hannah go home.
(c) Whether to stay at the party.
(d) Whether to take advantage of Bethany.

5. What are Tyler's thought concerning hell?
(a) What it would be like for his father.
(b) If the Catholic hell is different from the Protestant hell.
(c) Why someone ever made up such a concept.
(d) If committing suicide caused a person to go to hell..

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Tyler's family go Friday evening?

2. About what does Tyler not want to talk with Yoda?

3. Why does Bethany come to school on Friday?

4. Why is Yoda leaving town?

5. To what does Hannah compare the school's administration?

(see the answer key)

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