Twisted Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

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Twisted Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 45 - 50.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Yoda's driving less than perfect?
(a) His attention is too much on Hannah.
(b) He grips the wheel too tightly and over-corrects.
(c) He is supposed to wear glasses to drive but does not.
(d) He has bad depth perception.

2. What does Tyler ask a doctor to help him do?
(a) Give Bethany first aid.
(b) Relieve his depression.
(c) Commit murder.
(d) Commit suicide.

3. About what does Tyler not want to talk with Yoda?
(a) Why Chip is a jerk.
(b) Tyler's father losing his job.
(c) Tyler's mother going to go to PTA drunk.
(d) The incident with Bethany.

4. In what condition does Tyler find Bethany?
(a) She is drunk.
(b) She is crying.
(c) She is afraid.
(d) She is asleep.

5. Why does Yoda become the girl's field hockey manager?
(a) He wants nothing to do with the JV football team.
(b) He is asked to do so by Hannah.
(c) He is dating Hannah.
(d) He is asked to do so by the principal.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is the narrator doing what he is doing?

2. Why does Tyler have advanced placement (AP) classes?

3. After the incident in Question 70, where does Tyler go right after school?

4. What does Tyler do for Bethany between classes ?

5. What is Tophet?

(see the answer key)

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