Twisted Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

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Twisted Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 14 - 19.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Tyler act while his mother is talking to the person in Question Eight?
(a) Indifferent.
(b) Speechless.
(c) Restless.
(d) Impatient.

2. What does Tyler ask a doctor to help him do?
(a) Commit murder.
(b) Relieve his depression.
(c) Commit suicide.
(d) Give Bethany first aid.

3. At what event does Tyler remember having fun with his father?
(a) A stock car race.
(b) Father-son fishing contest.
(c) Cub Scout Wilderness Weekend.
(d) The zoo when Tyler was six.

4. For whom does Tyler's mother offer excuses?
(a) Tyler's father.
(b) Hannah.
(c) Herself.
(d) The neighbor.

5. What does Hannah do for Tyler?
(a) Calls and talks to Bethany.
(b) Calls Yoda for Tyler.
(c) Fixes his hair.
(d) Distracts their parents so Tyler can get out of the house in what he was wearing.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Tyler have for dinner when he eats alone?

2. What does Tyler rehearse?

3. What was Tyler's reputation at school in past years?

4. What does Tyler mention to his father about November?

5. What is Tyler doing in his room in Chapter Eight?

(see the answer key)

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