Twisted Multiple Choice Test Questions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Twisted Multiple Choice Test Questions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Chapters 1 - 7

1. What is the narrator doing at the opening of Chapter One?
(a) Fighting with another student.
(b) Spreading tar on a roof.
(c) Talking to the principal.
(d) Walking home.

2. Why is the narrator doing what he is doing?
(a) It is punishment.
(b) The other student keeps insulting the narrator.
(c) He left school early to go home and play video games.
(d) He is asking the principal for a change in schedule.

3. What foul deed has the narrator done?
(a) Wrecked a classroom.
(b) Smoked on the school grounds.
(c) Sprayed graffiti.
(d) Brought illegal drugs to school.

4. Who is Bethany Milbury?
(a) Tyler's sister's best friend.
(b) Tyler's cousin.
(c) A girl Tyler daydreams about.
(d) The principal of the school.

5. In Chapter One, where does Tyler see Bethany?
(a) Waiting her turn to talk to the principal.
(b) Reading in the library.
(c) Breaking up a fight between Tyler and another student.
(d) Working at a car wash in the school parking lot.

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