Twin Peaks Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 215 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Twin Peaks Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 215 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Maddy says that her life at home is fine, except for one thing. What does she say is that one thing?
(a) Her little sister's invasion of her privacy.
(b) Her parents' nosiness.
(c) Her lack of a boyfriend.
(d) The financial pressure her health problems inflict on her family.

2. What does Laura vow to stop doing in hopes that it will stop BOB from sexually abusing her?
(a) She vows to stop keeping BOB's abuse a secret from her parents.
(b) She vows to stop thinking about sex.
(c) She vows to stop lying to her parents.
(d) She vows to stop leaving her window unlocked.

3. When Laura proclaims that she has realized that BOB's name is a warning in itself, what does she mean?
(a) It is in all capital letters like it is being screamed.
(b) It is similar to the SOS distress signal.
(c) It could stand for Beware of Bob.
(d) It means that he is unsinkable.

4. What expression is BOB always wearing when he comes to Laura's bedroom window?
(a) He always looks hopeful.
(b) He is always scowling.
(c) He always looks angry.
(d) He is always smiling.

5. The Log Lady tells Laura that "sometimes people go camping" (44) and that as a result, they do what?
(a) Get lost.
(b) Learn things they should not.
(c) Don't come back.
(d) Commune with nature.

Short Answer Questions

1. In addition to sandwiches, what two beverages does Laura's mom pack for the girls on the first night of Maddy's visit?

2. To whom is Laura referring when she writes, "I think that the times that I have to go into the woods at night have poisoned me?" (55)

3. After the biting dream, Laura promises that she will be good and do everything she is supposed to do, just like what other character?

4. What does the Log Lady tell Laura about owls?

5. Where are the two places on Laura's body that BOB makes tiny incisions during his abuse of her?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Laura feel when she tries smoking for the first time?

2. When Donna and Laura leave the guys by the fire in order to relieve themselves, they get really scared. What are they scared of?

3. What do stuffed animals symbolize within the first diary entry?

4. Discuss the meaning of the very first poem Laura writes within her diary on July 29, 1984.

5. When Laura decides to be a better person during Maddy's visit, what does Laura state is her plan for achieving this goal?

6. When Donna leaves the fort to go to the bathroom, Maddy uses the opportunity to tell Laura something. How do her comments depict the novel's theme of prophecy?

7. What does Donna do when Laura runs out of the house when they are discussing the breakdown of their friendship?

8. When Laura arrives home and asks her mom about the Log Lady, what does Laura's mom tell her?

9. How does Laura feel during the sexual experience with Rick and Josh and how does her feeling relate to the sexual abuse to which she has been subjected?

10. How is the theme of hope represented in the poem Laura writes on July 30, 1984, entitled "Someday Growing Up Will Come Easier"? (14)

(see the answer keys)

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