Twin Peaks Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 215 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Twin Peaks Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 215 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What simile does Laura use to describe her claim that too many lies have entered her?
(a) "Too many lies have entered me, like birds settling into a nest" (89).
(b) "Too many lies have entered me, like arrows that pierced my skin" (89).
(c) "Too many lies have entered me, like smoke billowing into a room" (89).
(d) "Too many lies have entered me, like bullets that made wounds" (89).

2. Laura writes that she knows Norma will be unable to call her back anytime soon to work on their volunteering idea because Norma's husband Hank has gotten in some trouble. What kind of trouble is he in?
(a) He killed a man on the highway and is being charged with vehicular manslaughter.
(b) He got in a fight at the bar and is being charged with disturbing the peace.
(c) He stole a case of beer from the convenience store and is being charged with theft.
(d) He robbed a liquor store and is being charged with armed robbery.

3. On New Year's Eve, Bobby tells Laura that he wants them to be together because they like each other and not for what other reason?
(a) Because of their deal about Bobby selling cocaine for Leo.
(b) Because people at school expect them to be together.
(c) Because they like having sex.
(d) Because they are lonely.

4. On Christmas Eve of 1987, when Laura is on her way outside to escape her mom's constant playing of Christmas Carols, why does her dad stop her?
(a) He tells her that dinner is ready.
(b) He tells her she has to stay home on Christmas.
(c) He tells her that he wants to dance with her.
(d) He tells her she will need a coat because it is snowing outside.

5. When Laura says she cannot allow herself to feel sorry for Leo's wife Shelley, what reason does she give?
(a) Because then she would never be able to see Leo again.
(b) Because Shelley does not deserve her pity.
(c) Because she hates Shelley.
(d) Because she is no longer capable of feeling normal emotions.

6. What reason does Laura give for accepting the apology from the man who had strangled her into unconsciousness outside of the drug dealer's house?
(a) It was preferable to being killed with his gun.
(b) She had regained consciousness and felt okay.
(c) She knew she had made some grave mistakes in the past.
(d) She understood why he had done it.

7. After Leo, Laura, and Bobby speed away from the drug dealer's house amidst a hail of gunfire, what does Laura see that causes her to panic again?
(a) There is a stranger in the bed of the truck fighting with Leo.
(b) The road up ahead is closed.
(c) The truck runs out of gas.
(d) Bobby tells her he has forgotten his pistol in the house.

8. Who steals a kilo of cocaine from the drug dealer's house?
(a) Laura.
(b) Johnny.
(c) Leo.
(d) Bobby.

9. When Laura gets nervous around all of the guns inside the drug dealer's house, where does she go?
(a) Out to wait in the truck.
(b) Out to the garden.
(c) Into the bathroom to wait.
(d) She walks home.

10. What does Laura give Donna for Christmas?
(a) She gives her a bottle of her favorite perfume.
(b) She gives her a fluffy sweater.
(c) She embellishes Donna's own denim jacket with beads and thread.
(d) She cleans her whole room for two Saturdays in a row.

11. On the day Laura uncharacteristically skips school, what does she do at home all day since her parents are gone at a convention?
(a) She watches television.
(b) She drinks alcohol.
(c) She paints a portrait of BOB.
(d) She organizes her bedroom.

12. Who helps the elderly, frail woman out of the diner when she is struggling to open the door?
(a) Norma.
(b) Donna.
(c) Shelley.
(d) Laura.

13. What is distinctive about the sky the night that Leo, Laura, and Bobby go to the drug dealer's house, causing both Laura and Leo to worry that it is a bad omen?
(a) There is a red glow to it.
(b) There is no moon.
(c) The clouds resemble menacing animals.
(d) There are no visible stars.

14. What is the last thing that the man Bobby shot says to Bobby within Laura's dream?
(a) "Say hello to your mother for me" (117).
(b) "Beware of Bob" (117).
(c) "Death to you and yours" (117).
(d) "You watch that girlfriend of yours. Someone down here is saving her a seat" (117).

15. How long does Laura wait before she finds out whether Leo and Bobby are alive or dead inside the drug dealer's house?
(a) 3 hours.
(b) 2 hours.
(c) 40 minutes.
(d) 20 minutes.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Laura writes that she must go Christmas shopping the following day and has no idea what to buy for anyone, she says she wants only one thing for Christmas. What is it?

2. What behavior does Laura's mom observe that makes her worry about Laura?

3. When it proves too cold for Laura to write her fantasy down in the diary outside, where does she go to write instead?

4. When Laura walks to Leo's house in order to get drugs, what is the reason he cannot come to the door?

5. When the man who had strangled Laura smiled, whose smile did his smile remind Laura of?

(see the answer keys)

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