Twin Peaks Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Twin Peaks Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 215 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. On the day of her cousin Maddy's arrival, why does Laura not accompany her father to pick Mandy up from the station?
(a) She stays home to decorate the house for a welcome party.
(b) Her dad gets tired of waiting for her to get ready, so he leaves without her.
(c) She sleeps in and her mom will not let her dad wake her up.
(d) She is too nervous so she stays home to calm herself down.

2. What does Laura do for her fourteenth birthday?
(a) She has a big party at her house.
(b) She goes to the woods by herself where she usually meets BOB.
(c) She goes to the Book House for coffee.
(d) She and Donna go to the movies.

3. What gift does Laura receive from her mother that makes her feel that she is still being treated like a child?
(a) A dollhouse.
(b) Costumes for playing dress-up.
(c) Stuffed animals.
(d) Dolls.

4. When Laura gets home, her mother tells her that the Log Lady's husband had died, leaving the Log Lady a widow. How did her husband die?
(a) He was killed while chopping down a tree.
(b) He was killed in a car accident.
(c) He was killed while fighting a fire.
(d) He was killed by a train.

5. What song does Laura's mom sing to her when she cannot sleep or when she has bad dreams?
(a) When You Wish Upon a Star.
(b) Someday My Prince Will Come.
(c) Waltzing Matilda.
(d) You Are My Sunshine.

6. How does Laura feel about the fact that the only people at her birthday party are her mom, her dad, her best friend, and her cat?
(a) She is disappointed.
(b) She is happy.
(c) She is angry.
(d) She is anxious.

7. When Laura reports that she and Donna have had several fights as of late, what does she state is the source of their arguments?
(a) Donna wants Laura to agree to go to the same college as she will, but Laura will not commit.
(b) Donna says Laura is acting strangely to her and is not being the friend she used to be.
(c) Donna says that she does not like Laura's drug use.
(d) Donna thinks that Laura is too promiscuous.

8. To whom is Laura referring when she writes, "I think that the times that I have to go into the woods at night have poisoned me?" (55)
(a) Donna.
(b) BOB.
(c) Bobby.
(d) Johnny.

9. What does Laura say she would do if she could fly?
(a) She would fly to the moon and back.
(b) She would have her wings clipped to keep her from seeking danger.
(c) She would fly to lands beyond her town and never come back.
(d) She would fly over her neighbors' houses and spy on them.

10. Where do Laura, Donna, and Maddy spend the night on the first night of Maddy's visit?
(a) In a tent in the woods a few miles away from Laura's house.
(b) In a fort they build in the backyard.
(c) At a hotel near the train station.
(d) In Laura's bedroom.

11. How does Laura's dream end in a manner disturbing to her the night she has her first orgasm?
(a) The boy in her dream cuts her with a knife.
(b) The boy in her dream climbs inside her and she realizes she is pregnant with him.
(c) BOB comes and tells her that she is dirty.
(d) The girl in her dream laughs at her.

12. What song do Laura, Donna, and Maddy try to sing in the fort while their mouths are full of candy?
(a) Row Row Row Your Boat.
(b) You Are My Sunshine.
(c) Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.
(d) Waltzing Matilda.

13. What action does Laura take when she first meets her new pony that shocks Laura's mom?
(a) Laura tells her dad that his present is a million times better than the stuffed animals her mom had given her.
(b) Laura throws a tantrum because she had wanted a white pony rather than a brown one.
(c) Laura looks underneath the pony to check its gender.
(d) Laura bursts into tears.

14. What does Laura vow to stop doing in hopes that it will stop BOB from sexually abusing her?
(a) She vows to stop thinking about sex.
(b) She vows to stop leaving her window unlocked.
(c) She vows to stop keeping BOB's abuse a secret from her parents.
(d) She vows to stop lying to her parents.

15. What is the main reason during the Christmas vacation of 1985 that Laura is looking forward to school starting again?
(a) So she can finish her Ceramics project.
(b) So she can eat her favorite food in the cafeteria again.
(c) So she can have activities to keep her busy.
(d) So she can talk to Donna again.

Short Answer Questions

1. In what town does Laura live?

2. When Maddy tells Laura and Donna that she has brought cigarettes with her, what reason does she give for them being stale?

3. How does Laura feel after her foray into the woods with the Canadians and with Donna?

4. Laura says that sometimes her bedroom is the best place in the world, but says it is different other times. What does she say about those other times?

5. What does Laura say is the reason she needed her parents in the middle of the night a while back and thus inadvertently saw them having sex?

(see the answer keys)

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