Twin Peaks Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 215 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Twin Peaks Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 215 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through October 20, 1985-October 1, 1986.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Laura reports that she and Donna have had several fights as of late, what does she state is the source of their arguments?
(a) Donna wants Laura to agree to go to the same college as she will, but Laura will not commit.
(b) Donna says that she does not like Laura's drug use.
(c) Donna thinks that Laura is too promiscuous.
(d) Donna says Laura is acting strangely to her and is not being the friend she used to be.

2. Laura says she thinks life would be easier if one thing were different about the world. What does she think would make life so much easier?
(a) If children could move away from home at age thirteen.
(b) If everyone lived in big cities.
(c) If people had compassion for one another.
(d) If people were all the same.

3. Where is Laura's favorite hiding place for secret items she does not want her parents to see?
(a) In the fort in the backyard.
(b) In the hollow of her bedpost.
(c) In the hole in the wall of her closet.
(d) Behind the medicine cabinet in her bathroom.

4. When Laura proclaims that she has realized that BOB's name is a warning in itself, what does she mean?
(a) It is similar to the SOS distress signal.
(b) It means that he is unsinkable.
(c) It is in all capital letters like it is being screamed.
(d) It could stand for Beware of Bob.

5. What happens within Maddy's dreams about Laura?
(a) Maddy dreams that Laura falls in love.
(b) Maddy dreams about Laura being in the woods.
(c) Maddy dreams that Laura murders her mother.
(d) Maddy dreams about Laura being murdered.

Short Answer Questions

1. Laura's dream about the animal wanting to bite off her foot, Laura thinks that her mind is punishing her for what transgression?

2. When Maddy tells Donna and Laura what it is like to have a period, what is NOT one thing she mentions?

3. What song does Laura's mom sing to her when she cannot sleep or when she has bad dreams?

4. What is the main thing about being grown up that Laura says she is looking forward to the most?

5. What does the Log Lady tell Laura about owls?

(see the answer key)

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