Twin Peaks Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 215 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Twin Peaks Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 215 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through October 3, 1986-December 16, 1987.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Laura speaks of herself in the third person one time within her diary and addresses her words to BOB, what does she write?
(a) "Laura Palmer believes you are a cheat" (88).
(b) "Laura Palmer hates your stinking guts" (88).
(c) "Laura Palmer won't give in" (88).
(d) "Laura Palmer will win this fight" (88).

2. What does Laura mean when she directs her writing to BOB, saying, "I can feel you deciding how and when" (90).
(a) That BOB is planning to leave her forever.
(b) That BOB is planning to murder Laura's parents.
(c) That BOB is planning Laura's murder.
(d) That BOB is planning to murder Bobby.

3. What is NOT one false thing Laura tells the reader that people say about her?
(a) She does not have any troubles.
(b) She is the perfect daughter.
(c) She loves her parents.
(d) She is the happiest girl in the world.

4. How does Laura feel after her foray into the woods with the Canadians and with Donna?
(a) She feels triumphant at having gotten away with her actions and regrets having to go back to her role as daddy's little girl.
(b) She feels regret that she had not gotten contact information from the Canadians so she could continue the relationship.
(c) She feels relieved that the potentially dangerous situation had not resulted in harm to her or to Donna.
(d) She feels ashamed and worries that the kids at school will find out and will judge her.

5. While planning how to avoid further nightmares like her biting dream, Laura vows not to let anyone hurt her anymore. Instead, she vows to do what?
(a) To run at the first sign of trouble.
(b) To defend herself.
(c) To tell her mom what has been happening to her.
(d) To hurt herself first.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Laura walks to Leo's house in order to get drugs, what is the reason he cannot come to the door?

2. Why do Laura, Donna, and Maddy cover up the light emanating from the house into the fort?

3. On August 6, 1986, Laura reports that she no longer sleeps at all. What is her reason?

4. What object does Laura notice on the floor of the truck after the cocaine robbery that causes her to hit a cat?

5. Where are the two places on Laura's body that BOB makes tiny incisions during his abuse of her?

(see the answer key)

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