Twilight: Los Angeles, 1992 Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Twilight: Los Angeles, 1992 Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How popular is Daryl Gates at the time of the riots?
(a) He was the most popular Republican in Los Angeles.
(b) He was not even known in the area.
(c) He was as popular as Ronald Reagan.
(d) He was not so popular.

2. Where is the Reverend Tom Choi a minister at?
(a) Palo Alto's Presbyterian Church.
(b) Polo Lounge Presbyterian Church.
(c) Anaheim's Presbyterian Church.
(d) Westwood Presbyterian Church.

3. How many SWAT teams are sent to arrest Lance Parker?
(a) Four.
(b) Two.
(c) Five.
(d) Three.

4. How does she describe picking up a gun and going into the streets without a plan or any reason other than rage?
(a) Upsetting.
(b) Foolish.
(c) Ideal.
(d) Disastrous.

5. How does Betye Saar describe the look of the sky that night when the riots began?
(a) Like lightning but no rain.
(b) It hints of pleasant surprises to come.
(c) A limbo time.
(d) There is nothing unusual about the sky that night.

6. Why is Harland Braun reluctant to take the case of defending an accused in the Rodney King trial?
(a) He thinks he is incompetent.
(b) His client couldn't pay enough.
(c) He thought it was a racial beating.
(d) He didn't want to be involved in the case in any way.

7. According to Elaine Young, how long do people stay at the Beverly Hills Hotel?
(a) Until midnight.
(b) Until six in the evening.
(c) Until three or four in the morning.
(d) They did not stay at the hotel at all.

8. What does Mrs. Young-soon Han realize after the riots?
(a) Koreans love violence.
(b) Koreans immigrants were able to fully adapt to American Society.
(c) Korean immigrants have been left out of American Society.
(d) Americans love violence.

9. Which African-American character does Mrs. Young-soon Han hate?
(a) Martin Luther King.
(b) Arsenio Hall.
(c) Eddie Murphy.
(d) Jesse Jackson.

10. What does Braun think Pontius Pilate is doing?
(a) Politics and marriage.
(b) Love and hate for blacks.
(c) Trying to balance punishing an innocent man and keeping the public from uprising.
(d) Being a ruler and being a counselor to his people.

11. What does the Reverend Tom Choi find out after some time in his interaction with the people in the community?
(a) He saw that there was hatred everywhere.
(b) He found that Koreans, Americans, and blacks were not fighting after all.
(c) He did not see hostility; instead found only friendliness and solidarity.
(d) He found that there was too much hostility in people.

12. What does Gladis Sibrian's nom de guerre mean?
(a) Shadow.
(b) Life.
(c) Wind.
(d) Light.

13. How does Otis Chandler feel towards improving things around him?
(a) He does not make any statement about the issue.
(b) Things are not hopeless nor can everything be improved by throwing money around.
(c) Things can only be improved by throwing money around.
(d) Things are hopeless now no matter how much money there is.

14. How does Twilight Bey describe himself?
(a) A pitbull.
(b) A watchdog.
(c) A bullfrog.
(d) A stallion.

15. How much does the membership at the Beverly Hills Gun Club increase after the riots?
(a) Forty percent.
(b) Thirty percent.
(c) Twenty percent.
(d) Fifty percent.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Harland W. Braun defending in the Rodney King trial?

2. What complaint does Reverend Tom Choi hear about Koreans, Americans, and blacks?

3. What organization does Maxine Waters chair?

4. What statement do the police give as a reason for Lance's arrest?

5. How does Maxine Waters force her ideas onto lawmakers?

(see the answer keys)

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