Twilight Test | Final Test - Easy

Stephenie Meyer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Twilight Test | Final Test - Easy

Stephenie Meyer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Edward say when Bella asks if vampires like baseball?
(a) It is a requirment to be a vampire.
(b) They like the way the catchers taste.
(c) It is an American pastime.
(d) Everyone likes baseball.

2. How does Edward say it makes him feel to be able to share everything with Bella?
(a) Freed.
(b) Connected.
(c) Happy.
(d) Content.

3. What does Bella say the room is that Alice draws?
(a) Her mother's old clothing shop.
(b) The abandoned day care next to her house.
(c) A shopping mall.
(d) A dance studio.

4. Who does James say he knew from the Cullen family from past experiences?
(a) Carlisle.
(b) Esme.
(c) Alice.
(d) Jasper.

5. What does Bella tell Edward about Alice?
(a) She will never bet against Alice.
(b) Alice is her best friend.
(c) Alice knows everything.
(d) Alice is deadly.

6. What does Edward say he heard Bella say in her sleep?
(a) Don't leave me.
(b) I love you.
(c) Take me with you.
(d) Vampires rock.

7. Why does Bella say that she is going to go on to Phoenix?
(a) She knows the city well enough to hide in it.
(b) It is a place that she loves.
(c) Because her mother is there.
(d) Because James would never expect her to go where she said.

8. What injury does Carlisle NOT say Bella has?
(a) Broken fingers.
(b) Broken leg.
(c) A gash on her head.
(d) Broken ribs.

9. What does Edward say is the real reason Rosalie is staying away?
(a) Rosalie is jealous.
(b) Rosalie is afraid of how she will react around a human.
(c) Rosalie has to go hunt.
(d) Rosalie views Bella as a threat.

10. How does Edward say you kill a vampire?
(a) Tear him apart and burn the pieces.
(b) Make him watch low budget indie films.
(c) Pierce the heart.
(d) Decapitate him.

11. What does Edward say Carlisle found when he went to France?
(a) Serums to help control the thirst.
(b) Esme.
(c) Other vampires.
(d) His penance in saving human lives.

12. What does Bella say that Alice treated her like when she came over?
(a) Someone who had never worn a dress before.
(b) Guinea Pig Barbie.
(c) A deaf and dumb model.
(d) Like a reality show makeover.

13. What does Bella say the school prom looks like?
(a) Something out of a princess poney diary.
(b) Like five year olds decorated.
(c) They used the same decorations for the lat twenty proms.
(d) A horror movie waiting to happen.

14. What ability does Edward explain that Alice has?
(a) She can see things that might happen.
(b) She can fly.
(c) She can manipulate the future.
(d) She can control the weather.

15. What reason does Bella say that Edward should stay in Forks when she leaves?
(a) Because James and Edward are linked mentally.
(b) To protect his reputation at school.
(c) James will be tracking Edward first and foremost.
(d) Because James knows that Edward will stay will Bella.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Laurent say when Carlisle asks that they not feed in the area since Carlisle's family lives there?

2. What does Edward say is the reason Bella cannot drive home?

3. What does Bella think about while she rides in the cab to Scottsdale?

4. What does Edward say is the reason that Carlisle changed him?

5. What does James tell Bella is the reason she was chosen to be his prey?

(see the answer keys)

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