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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What does Bella realize when they reach the main road from the trail?
(a) James is following them.
(b) They are heading away from Forks.
(c) She is going to throw up.
(d) She forgot her jacket.
2. What does Alice say is the reason she doesn't want to tell Bella about becoming a vampire?
(a) It frightens Alice.
(b) Edward told her not to.
(c) Edward wants to tell her himself.
(d) Carlisle has made it forbidden.
3. What does Edward say is the reason that Carlisle changed him?
(a) Hunger.
(b) Boredom.
(c) Loneliness.
(d) Revenge.
4. What does James tell Bella is the reason she was chosen to be his prey?
(a) Wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong crowd.
(b) She reminds him of his wife.
(c) She smelled too good to ignore.
(d) He wants to destroy the Cullen coven.
5. Who does James say he knew from the Cullen family from past experiences?
(a) Alice.
(b) Esme.
(c) Carlisle.
(d) Jasper.
6. What does Bella say she is worried about?
(a) That there will be human parts in the fridge.
(b) That Edward's family won't like her.
(c) That Rosalie will be mean.
(d) That the family will attack her.
7. What does Bella ask Alice to do?
(a) Take a note to her house.
(b) Go get her some clean towels.
(c) Go to Taco Bell and pick her up something.
(d) Call Edward.
8. How does Edward say it makes him feel to be able to share everything with Bella?
(a) Content.
(b) Happy.
(c) Freed.
(d) Connected.
9. What does Edward say about his human instincts?
(a) They are becoming stronger each day.
(b) They are buried deep.
(c) They died long ago.
(d) They are non exsistent.
10. What does Bella say evading Jasper and Alice will be?
(a) Impossible.
(b) Something interesting to try.
(c) Easy .
(d) Scary.
11. What does Billy send Jacob to get out of his vehicle while he talks to Bella?
(a) A book he borrowed.
(b) A fishing pole.
(c) Some asprin.
(d) A picture.
12. What does Bella say that Alice treated her like when she came over?
(a) Like a reality show makeover.
(b) Someone who had never worn a dress before.
(c) Guinea Pig Barbie.
(d) A deaf and dumb model.
13. What ability does Edward explain that Alice has?
(a) She can see things that might happen.
(b) She can manipulate the future.
(c) She can control the weather.
(d) She can fly.
14. Why does Bella say that she is going to go on to Phoenix?
(a) Because James would never expect her to go where she said.
(b) She knows the city well enough to hide in it.
(c) Because her mother is there.
(d) It is a place that she loves.
15. Why does Edward say swimming is easy for them?
(a) They don't need to breathe.
(b) They can tread water faster.
(c) They can float easier.
(d) They can turn into bat fish.
Short Answer Questions
1. What does Bella say the school prom looks like?
2. What does Edward do for Bella at his house?
3. What does Billy bring for Charlie?
4. What does Edward say that James is?
5. What does Edward say he was dying of when Carlisle found him?
This section contains 546 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page) |
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