Twilight Test | Final Test - Easy

Stephenie Meyer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Twilight Test | Final Test - Easy

Stephenie Meyer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Edward say is the reason that Carlisle changed him?
(a) Boredom.
(b) Loneliness.
(c) Hunger.
(d) Revenge.

2. What does Edward say is the real reason Rosalie is staying away?
(a) Rosalie has to go hunt.
(b) Rosalie views Bella as a threat.
(c) Rosalie is afraid of how she will react around a human.
(d) Rosalie is jealous.

3. What does Edward say he heard Bella say in her sleep?
(a) Vampires rock.
(b) Take me with you.
(c) I love you.
(d) Don't leave me.

4. What does Bella tell her father when she gets home?
(a) That Edward had another girl on the side.
(b) That Edward hurt her.
(c) That Edward was an egotistical maniac.
(d) That she broke up with Edward.

5. What does Bella's mother say she thinks after she has talked to Edward?
(a) She thinks that he is a spoiled doctor's kid.
(b) She isn't sure what to make of him.
(c) She thinks Edward is in love with Bella.
(d) She thinks he might be nice enough but hiding something.

6. What does Bella say she wants to do when Carlisle says they need to move her?
(a) Go back to her mother's house.
(b) Go appologize to Charlie.
(c) Sleep.
(d) Walk on her own.

7. What does Bella's mother say has happened to Phil?
(a) He has a new job as a door to door salesman.
(b) He has been signed with a team.
(c) He has decided to come back to Phoenix and give up on being a ball player.
(d) He won the lottery.

8. What does James tell Bella is the reason she was chosen to be his prey?
(a) She reminds him of his wife.
(b) He wants to destroy the Cullen coven.
(c) She smelled too good to ignore.
(d) Wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong crowd.

9. What does Bella say that James is going to do?
(a) Hurt someone she loves.
(b) Kill others while he is killing time.
(c) Wait until they let their guard down.
(d) Play mind games.

10. What does Edward say Carlisle found when he went to France?
(a) Other vampires.
(b) His penance in saving human lives.
(c) Esme.
(d) Serums to help control the thirst.

11. What does Bella ask Alice about?
(a) How she controls her hunger.
(b) How she sees the future.
(c) How to become a vampire.
(d) How they are able to smell so well.

12. What does Edward say that he went to Carlisle to tell him after having met Bella?
(a) That he was leaving.
(b) That he wanted to be home schooled.
(c) That he needed some drugs.
(d) That he was going to kill Bella that night.

13. What does Edward say that Charlie did before he left for work?
(a) Came in to check on Bella.
(b) Reattached the cables to her truck.
(c) Put her key back on the table.
(d) Replaced her driver license.

14. What does Bella realize when they reach the main road from the trail?
(a) James is following them.
(b) She forgot her jacket.
(c) They are heading away from Forks.
(d) She is going to throw up.

15. What was Eseme dying of when she was changed?
(a) A gunshot wound.
(b) Childbirth.
(c) An unknown disease.
(d) She had fallen from a cliff.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Edward say that James is?

2. What was it that Carlisle fed on when his hunger became too much after Carlisle was first turned?

3. What does Bella ask Alice to do?

4. What does Bella say about death when she wakes up in the hospital room?

5. What does Edward say he did in order to handle being around Bella?

(see the answer keys)

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