Twilight Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Stephenie Meyer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Twilight Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Stephenie Meyer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Bella opt not to get a library card?
(a) The library is poorly stocked.
(b) They only keep religious literature.
(c) She would rather buy a book.
(d) The library keeps odd hours.

2. What does Bella speculate is the reason that Jessica doesn't like the Cullens after she sees the way that Jessica looks at them?
(a) Desire.
(b) Anger.
(c) Jealousy.
(d) Fear.

3. What does Edward tell Bella about their being friends?
(a) He doesn't know how to be friends.
(b) He wants to be more than friends.
(c) Friends is a meaningless word.
(d) He isn't a good friend for her.

4. What does Bella ask Jacob to do?
(a) Go to the tidal pools.
(b) Go for a walk with her on the beach.
(c) Go for a swim.
(d) Walk up to the shop.

5. What site does Bella look through?
(a) Vampires versus Werewolves.
(b) Orbitz.
(c) Vampires A-Z.
(d) Mythical creature atlas.

6. Why does Edward say that he shouldn't have driven Bella to school?
(a) Billy Black seeming them together is going to cause trouble.
(b) His car is having trouble.
(c) He is leaving early with Alice.
(d) They need to spend less time together.

7. What does Edward say Emmett looks like when he is hunting?
(a) Lion.
(b) Grizzly Bear.
(c) Crocodile.
(d) Hawk.

8. What does Bella see in the window of the bookstore that she chooses not to enter?
(a) Dreamcatchers.
(b) Religious pamplets.
(c) Anti-Government propaganda.
(d) Stuffed animals.

9. What does Bella say her stepfather does for a living?
(a) Plays ball.
(b) Acting.
(c) Construction work.
(d) Vet.

10. What surprises Bella when she first sees the truck her dad bought her?
(a) The wonderful paint job.
(b) She actually likes it.
(c) The amount of rust the car is holding.
(d) It is allowed on the street.

11. Who does Bella have to sit next to in Biology class?
(a) Edward.
(b) Emmett.
(c) Eric.
(d) Alice.

12. What does Bella suddenly realize after being followed for a period of time?
(a) They are theives.
(b) They are members of a gang.
(c) She should have stayed with Jessica and Angela.
(d) She is being herded.

13. What does Bella tell Jessica that Edward doesn't like?
(a) That Edward drives like a maniac.
(b) That she likes Edward more than he likes her.
(c) That Edward smells intoxicating.
(d) That he is a member of the legion of the undead.

14. How long does Jacob say he has been seventeen?
(a) Close to a hundred years.
(b) A while.
(c) He lost count.
(d) Fifty years.

15. What does Edward say is the reason he isn't strapped to a hospital bed like Bella and Tyler and Phenomenon?
(a) Edward had an appointment
(b) Because Edward bribed the paramedics.
(c) It's all about who you know.
(d) Because everyone is afraid of his father.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Bella say Charlie is doing that is getting on her nerves?

2. Why does Edward say he doesn't hunt people?

3. Where does Bella go walking after waking up from her dream?

4. What does Edward promise to let Bella do if she will forgive him for watching her in gym?

5. What is the first question that Bella asks Edward that he refuses to answer?

(see the answer keys)

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