Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Before the Nautilus breaks free, what happens to Aronnax?
(a) He nearly freezes.
(b) He almost suffocates.
(c) He falls asleep and cannot wake up.
(d) He catches pneumonia.

2. What does Aronnax consider doing as they head out into the Atlantic?
(a) taking Nemo hostage
(b) re-writing all his notes
(c) sabotaging the Nautilus engines
(d) simply asking Captain Nemo for his freedom

3. If there are 3,000 feet of ice beneath the water line, how much ice is above the line?
(a) 100 feet
(b) 3,000 feet
(c) 500 feet
(d) 1,000 feet

4. Although the inactive volcano offers no means of escape, what does Ned Land find that cheers him up?
(a) a stash of rum left by pirates
(b) diamonds as big as his fist
(c) bees making honey
(d) large birds to kill and take back to the Nautilus

5. What does Nemo say when he finds what he is looking for?
(a) I should have known.
(b) There she blows.
(c) It has moved.
(d) It is here.

6. What hunch does Aronnax have that the sailors on the Nautilus are?
(a) People who have renounced every tie that binds them to earth.
(b) People who owe money to Nemo.
(c) Slaves who are owned by Nemo.
(d) People who are deathly afraid of Nemo.

7. Why does Aronnax regret trying to escape from Nemo?
(a) He fears Nemo will come after them.
(b) He cannot take his notes with him.
(c) He is a person of infinite interest to him.
(d) He thinks he can help Nemo.

8. What does Aronnax notice when Nemo says the name, Avenger?
(a) the emptiness in his voice
(b) the sadness in his voice
(c) the anger in his voice
(d) the glee in his voice

9. What has Conseil heard about giant squid?
(a) some put out electric charges
(b) some are larger than the Nautilus
(c) some are known to take down ships
(d) some have a great appetite for humans

10. When the Nautilus cannot move, how does Aronnax describe the situation?
(a) stuck on flypaper
(b) stuck on a sandbar
(c) stuck in the mud
(d) stuck in a vice

11. How does Nemo claim the South Pole as his?
(a) He writes his name with black rocks.
(b) He paints a notice on a large rock.
(c) He unfurls a black banner with a big "N" on it.
(d) He builds a monument of rocks.

12. How do Nemo and Aronnax determine where they are?
(a) watching for the compass to spin around and around
(b) watching their shadows
(c) looking at the stars at night
(d) calculations based on the sun and other measurements

13. What do Aronnax and Ned hear while out on the platform?
(a) waves crashing against the nautilus
(b) the sounds of sea birds
(c) gunshots that seem to be coming from a distant ship
(d) loud winds

14. What does Ned give Aronnax in the event he needs to commit suicide?
(a) a small harpoon
(b) a poison pill
(c) a dagger
(d) a small revolver

15. What do sailors take from a dead whale?
(a) milk
(b) blood
(c) blubber
(d) skin

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Nemo object to?

2. How deep does the Nautilus have to descend to get away from the hurricane?

3. What invitation does Nemo extend to Aronnax?

4. What does Land say escaping at the speed they are traveling would be like?

5. What ominous words does Aronnax hear Nemo say?

(see the answer keys)

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