Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How is the animal finally killed?
(a) The animal cannot come up for air.
(b) Land harpoons it through the heart.
(c) Conseil hits it with an oar.
(d) Land stabs it with his knife.

2. What does Aronnax observe the sailors doing the morning after the underwater walk?
(a) cleaning the diving equipment
(b) swimming in the ocean
(c) washing their clothes
(d) casting nets for fish

3. How many shipwrecks occurred that year?
(a) about 300
(b) over 3,000
(c) exactly 30
(d) approximately 30,000

4. Describe Aronnax's immediate action after he receives the invitation.
(a) The first thing he does is to contact his trusted servant of ten years, Conseil, a Flemish boy age thirty.
(b) He telegraphs France to say he will be staying longer.
(c) He writes out his last will and testament.
(d) He goes to the library to read up on sea monsters.

5. What do the three men do on the island?
(a) wash their clothes in a waterfall
(b) lie in the sun on the beach
(c) throw rocks at monkeys
(d) collect fruits and vegetables to take back with them

6. What does Conseil think Captain Nemo is?
(a) an American spy
(b) a misunderstood genius
(c) a madman
(d) a figment of their imagination

7. What does Nemo point out to Aronnax?
(a) large sharks circling overhead
(b) diamonds on the ocean floor
(c) the entrance to the forest of Crespo
(d) giant oyster shells

8. What is the first view from the surface Aronnax enjoys with Captain Nemo?
(a) the Hawaiian Islands
(b) the California coastline
(c) the Philippines
(d) the Japanese coastline

9. What famous historical figure does Nemo discuss with Aronnax?
(a) Captain Kidd
(b) Captain Cook
(c) La Perouse
(d) George Washington

10. How do Aronnax and Conseil finally see Ned Land?
(a) He is in a small life raft.
(b) He is swimming toward them.
(c) He is holding onto the dorsal fin of a porpoise.
(d) He is actually standing on the back of the monster.

11. Why does Aronnax have trouble falling asleep after the rescue?
(a) He has too many troubling thoughts.
(b) He always suffers from insomnia.
(c) He has cramps from being in the cold water.
(d) He cannot sleep with the lights on.

12. What does Nemo do that surprises Aronnax?
(a) permits them to stay on the platform alone
(b) lets them go out alone in the small boat
(c) invites them to a birthday party
(d) allows them to go hunting on an island

13. What does Aronnax find in the pearl grotto?
(a) a treasure map left by pirates
(b) the body of a drowned pearl diver
(c) a school of sharks waiting for him
(d) a pearl the size of a coconut

14. What does the public speculate the object is?
(a) a sea monster like the Loch Ness dragon
(b) an island reef, a sea serpent, or a whale of unknown species
(c) something from outer space
(d) a mirage, not real at all

15. Briefly describe Ned Land.
(a) He is a Frenchman only on board to translate for Aronnax.
(b) He is Conseil's cousin conscripted for the trip.
(c) He is a Canadian scientist who disbelieves the whole thing.
(d) Land is a Canadian who speaks French with Aronnax. He has been a seaman all his life and has many interesting tales about his adventures.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Nemo inform Aronnax?

2. In what year do reports start circulating about the strange creature in the ocean?

3. What valuable item does Nemo take from a secret place?

4. What does Nemo show Aronnax in his own quarters?

5. What makes Aronnax, Conseil, and Ned Land very happy?

(see the answer keys)

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