Twelve Years a Slave Test | Final Test - Hard

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Twelve Years a Slave Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 202 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What type of support did Bass contribute toward Solomon's quest for freedom?

2. What piqued Bass' interest to want to know how Solomon had made his way to Louisiana?

3. Following up on the characterization of Judge Turner, how did he differ from other planters in the area with regard to their treatment of slaves?

4. Why was Solomon in high demand at various plantations in Bayou Bœuf during the Christmas season?

5. Why was Epps upset with the slaves the morning that Lawyer Northrup and the Sheriff arrived at the plantation looking for Solomon?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happened to some of the slaves who tried to escape from a life in slavery in Chapter 17 of the book?

2. In Chapter 17, how did Lew Cheney show that he was not the leader whom he claimed to be among the slaves who were planning to escape to Mexico?

3. In Chapter 14 of the book, how did the slaves manage to add variety to the food that was available to them to eat on a daily basis?

4. Why was Lew Cheney not liked by some of the slaves in Bayou Bœuf in Chapter 17 of the book?

5. What could cause trouble for the slaves weighing the cotton that they had picked at the plantation run by Epps in Chapter 13 of the book?

6. In Chapter 16 of the book, how did Solomon lead Epps to believe that he was making the slaves work hard in the cotton field?

7. In Chapter 15 of the story, what were some of the everyday things that Solomon and the other slaves did not miss at Christmastime?

8. In Chapter 19 of the book, how did Solomon and Bass manage to meet secretly with one another to plan how arrangements for restoring Solomon's freedom would be handled?

9. In Chapter 20 of the book, how did Samuel Bass manage to carry out his effort to help Solomon regain his freedom despite Epps' presence?

10. In Chapter 15 of the book, how did the slaves in Bayou Bœuf change at Christmastime?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Led into Washington City by white men who claimed to have their best interest and freedom status in mind, Solomon and Eliza raised questions in anger regarding the true motives of the men who had led them into the clutches of slavery.

What were some of the reasons that Solomon felt that he could trust the white men who had led him into Washington City? Were there any circumstances or early indicators that he should have taken heed not to trust them? If yes, what were those indicators? If no, why not?

What were some of the reasons that Eliza felt that she could trust the white man who had led her into Washington City? Were there any circumstances or early indicators that she should pay attention to and not trust him? Is yes, what were those indicators? If no, why not?

Essay Topic 2

As Solomon told his life story as well as that of Eliza’s, it became evident that their lives paralleled prior to being cast into the throes of slavery, as well as in the manner that they were cast into slavery, along with the changes that they experienced in their lives while in slavery.

In what ways were the lives of Solomon and Eliza alike prior to slavery? What similarities existed in relation to the means that were used to cast them both into slavery? What similarities existed with regard to the changes that they experienced while living in slavery?

Essay Topic 3

In Chapter 20, Author Northrup characterized 20-year-old Norwood Plantation owner, Mary McCoy, as an angelic young lady who treated everyone, including all of her slaves, with extreme kindness.

Identify and discuss the message that Northrup delivered to the reader in comparing Miss McCoy to other Bayou Bœuf plantation owners like John Tibeats and Edwin Epps. What did Northrup say? What may have been his goal in making the comparison? What did he want the reader to understand?

Based on what you believe Northrup’s message to have been, state whether you agree or disagree with him. If you agree with him, explain why. If you do not agree with him, detail the reason(s) why.

(see the answer keys)

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