Twelve Years a Slave Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 202 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Twelve Years a Slave Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 202 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What type of battle did Tibeats perceive himself to be involved in with Solomon?
(a) To determine who was the better man.
(b) To determine who was the more righteous man.
(c) To determine who was the more intelligent man.
(d) To determine who was the stronger man.

2. Who seemed to suffer the most among Epps' slaves?
(a) Patsey.
(b) Phebe.
(c) Bob.
(d) Wiley.

3. Why was Bass hesitant to write additional letters to try to get help for Solomon?
(a) Because he had already written a lot of them and had not received a reply from any of the recipients.
(b) Because he thought that the Postmaster in Marksville might become curious about his endeavor.
(c) Because he was not sure that they letter recipients could not read his writing.
(d) Because he was not sure that the letters were not being delivered.

4. How did Solomon view Bass to be in relation to his lifestyle?
(a) Free-roaming and able to do whatever he wanted.
(b) Free-roaming only to a certain degree.
(c) Tied down and responsible for the welfare of others.
(d) Unable to settle anywhere because he did not know what he wanted to do.

5. Based on Author Northrup's description of the Christmastime gatherings attended by slaves and plantation owners, what seemed to be missing from the festivities?
(a) Clergymen.
(b) Music.
(c) Food.
(d) Children.

Short Answer Questions

1. Because it appeared that both the slaves and the white folks would put their differences aside at Chrismastime, what was the common denominator that encouraged both groups to do that?

2. What did the fact that Tibeats appeared unexpectedly three times while Solomon was working for Eldret indicate about him?

3. In general, how did Bass view slavery?

4. What may have been the underlying reason that William Ford was willing to let Mr. Eldret hire Solomon?

5. Following up on the characterization of Judge Turner, how did he differ from other planters in the area with regard to their treatment of slaves?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 14 of the book, how did the slaves manage to add variety to the food that was available to them to eat on a daily basis?

2. In Chapter 13 of the story, how did Epps show little concern if any when Solomon fell ill?

3. In Chapter 19 of the book, how did Samuel Bass cooperate with Solomon in terms of helping him get his freedom restored?

4. Why did Solomon feels more like a real human being while working for Judge Turner in Chapter 14 of the book?

5. In Chapter 16 of the book, how did Solomon lead Epps to believe that he was making the slaves work hard in the cotton field?

6. In Chapter 19 of the book, how did Solomon and Bass manage to meet secretly with one another to plan how arrangements for restoring Solomon's freedom would be handled?

7. What type of consequences did Epps have to face for chasing the young and beautiful slave, Patsey in Chapter 16 of the book?

8. In Chapter 15 of the story, what were some of the everyday things that Solomon and the other slaves did not miss at Christmastime?

9. What happened to some of the slaves who tried to escape from a life in slavery in Chapter 17 of the book?

10. In Chapter 15 of the book, how did the slaves in Bayou Bœuf change at Christmastime?

(see the answer keys)

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