Twelve Years a Slave Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Twelve Years a Slave Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 202 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Solomon learn while spending time in the yard outside Williams' Slave Pen?
(a) He learned that other slaves had escaped from that yard.
(b) He learned that there were other slave pens nearby.
(c) He learned that some of the slaves were planning to escape.
(d) He learned the background of the other slaves.

2. How did the raft that Solomon built for William Ford's lumber transporting business benefit Ford?
(a) Ford and his unique raft were talked about in a positive way throughout Bayou Bœuf, and his business grew immensely.
(b) The raft became a prop that Ford used to promote his business while speaking before prospective customers.
(c) The raft provided Ford with a cost-effective, high-profit yielding and efficient means to transport lumber.
(d) Ford became the only lumber supplier in Bayou Bœuf to own a swift-flowing, lumber-carrying raft.

3. If William Ford was a wealthy plantation owner, how did he manage to get into financial trouble?
(a) The debt was not his--it was actually his brother's.
(b) Mrs. Ford liked living extravagantly.
(c) The debt was not his--it was actually his sister's.
(d) The bank that he used has closed.

4. In what order did the events listed take place in Solomon's life?
(a) He started his own business, worked hard, saved money, and got married.
(b) He worked hard, started his own business, got married, and saved money.
(c) He saved money, started his own business, got married, and worked hard.
(d) He got married, worked hard, saved money, and started his own business.

5. How did Freeman's customers view the idea of buying slaves from the same family?
(a) They did not like the idea at all.
(b) They viewed it as a great idea that could keep a slave family together.
(c) They tried to make slave family-type purchases, because they could get two slaves for the price of one.
(d) They do not view the idea at all--they were simply there to make a slave purchase.

6. What became a problem with the letter that Solomon had Englishman John Manning mail?
(a) John Manning never mailed the letter.
(b) Solomon directed the letter to an official who was not authorized to help him regain his freedom.
(c) Solomon did not provide information concerning his location within it.
(d) John Manning decided to deliver the letter in person and never reached New York.

7. In general, how did Mrs. Berry and her daughter feel about Eliza?
(a) Mrs. Berry and her daughter did not like Eliza.
(b) Mrs. Berry and her daughter were very fond of Eliza.
(c) Mrs. Berry and her daughter felt sorry for Eliza.
(d) Mrs. Berry and her daughter had a lot of respect Eliza.

8. What was an important factor to the slaves at the time that they were sold?
(a) That slave family members be sold and kept together.
(b) That feuding slave family members be sold to different dealers.
(c) That they be sold for the highest price possible.
(d) That their physical strengths be accurately given to the buyers.

9. What major error did Solomon commit with respect to his perception of Brown and Hamilton?
(a) He considered himself lucky to have met them.
(b) He considered them to be sincere in their actions toward him.
(c) He considered both men to be quite entertaining.
(d) He considered them to be his friends.

10. Based on the description that Solomon wrote, what did his room at Williams' Pen Slave Pen resemble?
(a) A prison cell.
(b) A hide-out.
(c) A warehouse.
(d) A shed.

11. Which adjective pair best described Solomon, his brother, and father?
(a) Critical and respectable.
(b) Hardworking and respectable.
(c) Generous and hardworking.
(d) Fun-loving and fair.

12. Aside from Bibles, what did William Ford provide his slaves that other slave owners seemed to overlook or not consider to provide them with at all?
(a) Winter clothing.
(b) Fork.
(c) Skillet.
(d) Bath soap.

13. Why did William Ford feel obligated to settle his brother's debt?
(a) Because his brother could not take care of his debts.
(b) Because he had previously involved himself in it.
(c) Because he had promised his father that he would always take care of his brother.
(d) Because his brother had approached him for help.

14. Why did Solomon trust Merrill Brown and Abram Hamilton when he first met them?
(a) They were violin music composers.
(b) They recognized his violin-playing potential.
(c) They gave him the impression that they had his best interest in mind.
(d) They offered him an opportunity to earn high wages.

15. What did the fact that William Ford's slave, Walton had worked for Ford all of his life and spoke well about him say about Ford?
(a) That working for Ford was easy.
(b) That Walton had been instructed to not say anything bad about Ford.
(c) That Ford was basically a good man.
(d) That Ford never sold his slaves.

Short Answer Questions

1. How were Solomon and Arthur (the slave who boards the Orleans in Norfolk) fundamentally alike?

2. In one word, how could William Ford's overseer, Chapin be described?

3. Aside from providing Solomon with favorable notoriety around Bayou Bœuf, his raft-building for Ford also provided him with which of the following?

4. Why was Clemens Ray upset as he headed south aboard the Orleans?

5. How did Arthur's life change when the Orleans reached the dock in New Orleans?

(see the answer keys)

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