Twelve Years a Slave Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 202 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Twelve Years a Slave Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 202 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 16-20.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. If William Ford was a wealthy plantation owner, how did he manage to get into financial trouble?
(a) The debt was not his--it was actually his sister's.
(b) The bank that he used has closed.
(c) The debt was not his--it was actually his brother's.
(d) Mrs. Ford liked living extravagantly.

2. After Bass agreed to help Solomon regain his freedom, how did both men act toward each other around Epps?
(a) Friendly as ever with one another.
(b) They would say hello to one another on occasion.
(c) As if they did not like each other.
(d) As if nothing was going on between them.

3. How did Mary McCoy become the owner of the Norwood Plantation?
(a) She purchased it from William Ford.
(b) She inherited the Plantation from her parents who died.
(c) She bought it from Edwin Epps.
(d) Her late husband willed it to her.

4. How did Burch react when Solomon first met him and told him that he was feeling sick?
(a) He did not react. He continued to go about his business.
(b) He sent for a doctor immediately.
(c) He was sympathetic and offered Solomon his help.
(d) He suggested that Solomon stay in bed until he felt better.

5. What piqued Bass' interest to want to know how Solomon had made his way to Louisiana?
(a) The fact that Solomon had visited a few cities in Canada.
(b) The fact that the Underground Railroad had not been built yet.
(c) The fact that the Underground Railroad led only from South to North.
(d) The fact that Solomon was eager to travel in a northeasterly direction.

Short Answer Questions

1. How did Tibeats feel when he told Solomon that he had sold him to Edwin Epps?

2. Which of the following could be viewed as Epps' loss in the course of mistreating his slaves?

3. How did Solomon view Bass to be in relation to his lifestyle?

4. Why did Solomon want the old gentleman from New Orleans who was looking for a coachman to buy him?

5. Was there anything peculiar about Merrill Brown's or Abram Hamilton's behavior when the two men and Solomon were in Albany?

(see the answer key)

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