Twelve Sharp Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Twelve Sharp Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. While Stephanie's grandmother is singing, who does Stephanie's mother say she looks like while grandmother is dancing?
(a) Aretha Franklin
(b) Cher
(c) Lennon
(d) Jagger

2. What does Lula say she feels like because she drags people off to jail
(a) The grim reaper
(b) The repo man on your birthday
(c) The grinch
(d) A hateful butt

3. What does the card say on the flowers that Stephanie receives?
(a) Armagedon approacheth
(b) Heaven is nearing
(c) The angels are waiting
(d) Till death do us part

4. What does Stephanie say about being in her old room?
(a) It feels safe
(b) It reminds her how much has changed
(c) It brings back memories
(d) It makes her wish she was a kid again

5. What kind of jobs does Stephanie look for at the office?
(a) Jobs that will take her to the ghetto
(b) Jobs that can be quickly solved
(c) Jobs that leave her working the desk
(d) Jobs that don't require a partner

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens when Grandma starts dancing around with band?

2. What does Stephanie's father do part time now that he is retired?

3. What does Julie say that Scrog means to do?

4. What is Scrog dressed in when he finally meets up with Stephanie?

5. What does Julie say that gives Ranger and Stephanie some clues about where she is being kept?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the events in Chapter 22 when Stephanie and Scrog find Lonnie Johnson.

2. What does Morelli say to Stephanie and Ranger when he sees them in the park in Chapter 12?

3. What does Lula tell Stephanie in Chapter 15 when they leave to go pick someone up?

4. What do they find in Chapter 22 when Stephanie and Morelli go out to where the motor home is located where Julie had been kept?

5. What has Ranger found out in the beginning of chapter eleven in regards to Edward Scrog's background, childhood and family?

6. What happens in the end of Chapter 21 when Scrog tells Stephanie to put her head between her legs so she can't see where they are going?

7. Describe the scene in chapter twenty-one when Scrog brings Stephanie and Julie breakfast?

8. What do Lula and Tank discuss at the end of Chapter 13?

9. Describe the phone call in Chapter 18 where Stephanie talks to Julie.

10. Describe what happens when Stephanie gets to the funeral parlor in Chapter 12.

(see the answer keys)

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