Twelve Sharp Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Twelve Sharp Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Stephanie learn about while at the funeral parlor?
(a) Ranger's daughter's death
(b) A hostage situation at the bank
(c) Ranger being kidnapped
(d) Ranger's daughter being kidnapped

2. Who arrives and is trying to talk to Stephanie while she is talking to Melvin?
(a) Lula
(b) Morelli
(c) Connie
(d) Ranger

3. What happens to the phone at Stephanie's office?
(a) Someone gets angry and cuts the line
(b) It gets shot
(c) Melvin rips it out of the wall
(d) Someone steals it

4. What does Connie say will happen if Stephanie doesn't find a few skips?
(a) They will get a bad reputation
(b) Office will go bankrupt
(c) Stephanie will get fired
(d) The police will come and have a talk with them

5. What does Luis tell Stephanie he does to stay in shape?
(a) Yoga
(b) Pilates
(c) Jog
(d) Tae-bo

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Luis Queen's trade mark?

2. Who does Stephanie call to ask about the skip, Mary Lee Truk?

3. What does Ranger do when Morelli calls Stephanie?

4. What does Stephanie say her apartment usually is?

5. What was Dave Nelson's old job?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Stephanie find in Chapter 6 when she walks out to check on Carmen's car?

2. Describe the conversation between Stephanie and Morelli in the end of Chapter 4 about Ranger?

3. In chapter three what does Stephanie and Lula find when they go to Lonnie Johnson's house?

4. Explain the fight that happens between Joyce and Lula in Chapter 10.

5. What is found in Edward Scrog's scrapbook?

6. Explain what happens in chapter five when Stephanie and Lula arrested James.

7. What happens when Joyce comes into the office in Chapter 10?

8. What problem does Melvin have in the beginning of Chapter 10?

9. Describe the scene in Chapter 3 when Joyce comes in demanding a job.

10. What happens when Lula and Stephanie start going to Skip's houses in Chapter 1?

(see the answer keys)

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