Twelve Sharp Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Twelve Sharp Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Stephanie's grandmother say happens sometimes with the closed coffins?
(a) It makes things more interesting
(b) They aren't watched often
(c) It makes you want to look
(d) They spring open on their own

2. What does Stephanie realize about Julie when she and Scrog arrive at the motor home?
(a) She is very ill
(b) She hasn't eaten in days
(c) She has been beaten
(d) She is wearing the same clothes as when she was kidnapped

3. What does Stephanie say they need to try doing to Caroline?
(a) Begging for cooperation
(b) Bribing her
(c) Surprising her
(d) Knocking her unconscious

4. What happens when Grandma starts dancing around with band?
(a) Everyone starts laughing
(b) She throws a hip out
(c) Her bra pops off
(d) She trips and falls into the drums

5. What does the news say about Ranger?
(a) He is mentally unstable
(b) His daughter is in great danger while with Ranger
(c) The police have shoot to kill orders
(d) He is armed and dangerous

6. What happens when Grandma bends over to plug in the amp?
(a) She falls
(b) Her pants rip
(c) Lula slaps her on the butt
(d) She farts

7. What does Connie say Scrog took from the office when he broke in?
(a) Petty cash
(b) Guns and ammo
(c) George Forman grill
(d) Files on fugatives

8. Who does Stephanie say she is in order to get in to see Ranger's man who was shot?
(a) A co-worker
(b) His wife
(c) His lawyer
(d) His sister

9. How many vehicles are following Stephanie and Ranger as they eat their muffins?
(a) None
(b) Three
(c) One
(d) Five

10. What does Stephanie Caroline had been arrested for?
(a) Indicent exposure
(b) Breaking and entering
(c) Assault
(d) Shoplifting

11. What does Stephanie see on her counter that makes her yell at Ranger that she doesn't want it?
(a) Extra computer
(b) Answering machine
(c) Salad chopper
(d) A new gun

12. What does Scrog do to get food for Stephanie and Julie?
(a) Went fishing
(b) Robbed an old lady who had been shopping
(c) Robs convenience stores
(d) Worked hard

13. What kind of jobs does Stephanie look for at the office?
(a) Jobs that leave her working the desk
(b) Jobs that don't require a partner
(c) Jobs that will take her to the ghetto
(d) Jobs that can be quickly solved

14. What does Stephanie compare Ranger to?
(a) The devil
(b) q
(c) A succubus
(d) Temptation

15. What does Scrog do when Stephanie tries to grab his arm?
(a) Shoots her
(b) Stabs her
(c) Pushes her down
(d) Stun guns her

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Stephanie's father say he wanted to do when the band shows up to practice?

2. What does Julie say that gives Ranger and Stephanie some clues about where she is being kept?

3. Why does Ranger tell Stephanie she can do in order to help him?

4. What does Scrog say is the punishment for not obeying?

5. What does Johnson tell Stephanie and Scrog they look like?

(see the answer keys)

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