Twelve Sharp Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Twelve Sharp Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Stephanie tell Carmen she is going?
(a) To meet Ranger
(b) To get her grandma
(c) To get her hair done
(d) To the office

2. Who uses a stun gun on Joyce when she pulls a gun on Lula?
(a) Stephanie
(b) Connie
(c) Lula
(d) Melvin

3. What does Carmen do when Stephanie shows that she has a cell phone number for Ranger?
(a) Spits on Stephanie
(b) Rams Stephanie's car
(c) Hits Stephanie
(d) Pulls a gun

4. What does Stephanie find Ranger has done when she comes home from work to change clothes?
(a) Eaten all her food
(b) Put bugs in all her phones
(c) Let Rex out of his cage
(d) Moved in equipment

5. Who calls Stephanie shortly after she wakes up?
(a) Morelli
(b) Connie
(c) Lula
(d) Melvin

6. What does Connie say will happen if Stephanie doesn't find a few skips?
(a) They will get a bad reputation
(b) Stephanie will get fired
(c) The police will come and have a talk with them
(d) Office will go bankrupt

7. When Stephanie awakes to find Ranger in her apartment, why does he say he is there?
(a) To use her computer
(b) He needed a place to hide
(c) He can hide his feelings for her no longer
(d) To eat

8. What does Melvin threaten to do after Stephanie has introduced herself?
(a) Shoot himself
(b) Jump off the building
(c) Walk out into oncoming traffic
(d) Kill Stephanie

9. Where do Ranger and Stephanie learn that the fake Ranger was working when Carmen first met him?
(a) Security guard at a lumber mill
(b) Rent-A-Cop agency
(c) As mall security
(d) For the governor

10. What does Stephanie do when Joyce comes into the office to complain?
(a) Throws spaghetti sauce at her
(b) Hits her in the head with a meatball
(c) Spits on her
(d) Slaps her

11. What does Connie say that Melvin is?
(a) A filing demon
(b) Amazing at foot massages
(c) A wiz at office work
(d) A great cleaner

12. Why does Stephanie claim to be looking for the fake Ranger, Edward Scrog?
(a) He is dating her sister
(b) They were in a small fender bender
(c) He took her Ipod
(d) He got her cell phone

13. What does Stephanie realize about Carmen while looking through Edward's scrapbook?
(a) They went to school together
(b) Her and Carmen look alike
(c) They were distant relatives
(d) They both were hung up on men named Ranger

14. What does Ranger say is the main reason he is staying at Stephanie's place?
(a) So she can do the leg work for him
(b) He needs her contacts
(c) It is the safest place for him
(d) He is sure Scrog is coming after her

15. What does Ranger do when Morelli calls Stephanie?
(a) Starts singing loudly so Stephanie can't hear
(b) Tell's Morelli to stop calling
(c) Asks Morelli for a favor
(d) Turns her phone off

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Stephanie ask Carmen if she would like when Lula drops Stephanie off at the office?

2. What's the name of Lula's band?

3. What does Lula buy Stephanie while they are in the adult shop?

4. What type of identification does Carmen give to Stephanie when asked for identification>?

5. What does Lula get hit with while she is onstage?

(see the answer keys)

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