Twelve Angry Men Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 216 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Twelve Angry Men Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 216 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where was the victim wounded?
(a) In the stomach.
(b) In the chest.
(c) In the head.
(d) In the face.

2. Which words suggest that the defendant should not have to prove his innocence?
(a) The defendant is "innocent unless the prosecution presents good evidence."
(b) The defendant is innocent "unless the judge says he is guilty."
(c) The defendant is "innocent until proven guilty."
(d) The defendant is "innocent because there is no eye-witness."

3. What is the defendant's alibi?
(a) He claims to have been at the store.
(b) He claims to have been hanging out with his friends.
(c) He claims to have been at the ball game.
(d) He claims to have been at the movies.

4. What term used in Act 1 establishes that the defendant is thought to have committed a murder that is intentional and deliberately planned ahead of time?
(a) Manslaughter.
(b) First degree murder.
(c) Murder with malice aforethought.
(d) Second degree murder.

5. Based on the impact of their testimony on the jury, who are the two most important witnesses?
(a) An old man who lives in the victim's apartment and a woman who lives across the street.
(b) The policeman and the doctor.
(c) An old man across the street and a woman downstairs.
(d) A young boy next door and his mother.

Short Answer Questions

1. What important information casts doubts on the eyewitness' story in the first discussion of the evidence?

2. In the beginning of the deliberations, how do most of the jurors demonstrate a lack of seriousness about their role as jurors?

3. What important fact does Juror Three point out about something the defendant purchased on the day of the murder?

4. What kind of man is the dissenting juror?

5. What is a hung jury?

Short Essay Questions

1. What assumptions do the jurors make about Juror Eight's vote, and how do they decide to respond?

2. What is Juror Ten's contribution to the discussion of the evidence?

3. How does the old man's testimony implicate the defendant?

4. When Juror Two states that the defendant is guilty because no one proved his innocence, the writer uses the opportunity to establish two important principles of due process. What are these principles and why does the writer have Juror Eight explain them?

5. What information does Juror Three present in an attempt to draw the jurors' attention to the "facts of the case"?

6. What additional suggestion does Juror Four make in Act I to support his assertion that the defendant is guilty?

7. What is the defendant's alibi and how does Juror Four respond to it?

8. What are the physical and personal concerns facing the jurors as they begin their deliberations?

9. On what point do Juror Eight and Juror Four agree concerning the performance of the defendant's lawyer? How do they differ?

10. What clarification do the jurors receive about the conditions under which the woman is alleged to have seen the murder?

(see the answer keys)

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