Twelve Angry Men Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 216 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Twelve Angry Men Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 216 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is the murder weapon jammed into the wall?
(a) Because the foreman does not want it handled.
(b) Because the table is cluttered.
(c) Because the juror who jams it there is angry.
(d) So everyone can see how unusual it is.

2. In the beginning of the deliberations, how do most of the jurors demonstrate a lack of seriousness about their role as jurors?
(a) They are casual in their discussions.
(b) They read the newspaper.
(c) They do not pay attention to the details.
(d) They are concerned about how the trial has kept them from attending to their own interests.

3. What important fact does Juror Three point out about something the defendant purchased on the day of the murder?
(a) The defendant purchased a dangerous knife.
(b) The defendant purchased a knife identical to the murder weapon.
(c) The defendant purchased a butcher knife similar to the murder weapon.
(d) The defendant purchased a pen knife that could have inflicted a fatal wound.

4. What kind of man is the dissenting juror?
(a) A man of conviction who takes the role of the jury very seriously.
(b) A man who owns his own business and can control his own use of time.
(c) A man who is not employed so he has no urgent business to conduct.
(d) A man of conviction who does not believe in prejudice.

5. At what time of year does the jury in Twelve Angry Men meet to hear testimony and determine a verdict?
(a) Autumn.
(b) Summer.
(c) Winter.
(d) Spring.

6. Who jams the murder weapon into the wall?
(a) Juror Nine.
(b) The foreman.
(c) Juror four.
(d) Juror Eight.

7. Which words suggest that the defendant should not have to prove his innocence?
(a) The defendant is "innocent unless the prosecution presents good evidence."
(b) The defendant is "innocent until proven guilty."
(c) The defendant is innocent "unless the judge says he is guilty."
(d) The defendant is "innocent because there is no eye-witness."

8. Why does the dissenting juror insist they should spend time examining the evidence in detail?
(a) He believes that the defendant is innocent.
(b) He is not certain that the defendant is guilty.
(c) He believes the witnesses are unreliable.
(d) He believes the presentation of the case is prejudiced.

9. What is the outcome of the "different" vote suggested by the dissenting voter?
(a) There is a change in the outcome.
(b) Eight jurors vote "guilty" and three vote "not guilty".
(c) Nine jurors vote "guilty" and two vote "not guilty".
(d) All vote "not guilty".

10. What comment by Juror Ten reveals his prejudice?
(a) He dislikes all foreigners.
(b) He dislikes all people who are not of his racial background.
(c) He has lived among people "like the defendant" and they cannot be trusted.
(d) He dislikes all Caucasians.

11. At what age was the defendant in reform school?
(a) Thirteen.
(b) Sixteen.
(c) Fourteen.
(d) Fifteen.

12. Who is the defendant and for what is he being tried?
(a) A young man is being tried for the murder of his father.
(b) A boy is being tried for the murder of a man downstairs.
(c) A man is being tried for the murder of the woman next door.
(d) A man is being tried for the murder of his son.

13. Where was the victim wounded?
(a) In the head.
(b) In the stomach.
(c) In the face.
(d) In the chest.

14. According to the evidence, what weapon was used to kill the old man?
(a) A hatchet knife.
(b) A butcher knife.
(c) A pen knife.
(d) A switch blade knife.

15. What two types of prejudice are evident in the comments of some of the jurors during Act 1?
(a) Prejudice against foreigners and class prejudice.
(b) Prejudice against the poor and prejudice against the uneducated.
(c) Color prejudice and racial prejudice.
(d) Prejudice against some ethnic groups and prejudice against people from certain areas.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the behavior of most of the jurors demonstrate about the decisions reached by juries?

2. How does the defendant account for the fact that after the murder he does not have the weapon he bought?

3. What does the verdict from the second vote among jurors prove?

4. How does the dissenting juror explain the defendant's record of violence?

5. To what age group does the defendant belong?

(see the answer keys)

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