Twelve Angry Men Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 216 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Twelve Angry Men Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 216 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Act III.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Juror Eight's participation in the altercation with Juror Three differ from his usual approach?
(a) It shows he is capable of anger in spite of his usual sober analysis.
(b) It shows he is capable of violence.
(c) It shows he has a temper, too.
(d) It shows he hates Juror Three.

2. What important fact does Juror Three point out about something the defendant purchased on the day of the murder?
(a) The defendant purchased a dangerous knife.
(b) The defendant purchased a butcher knife similar to the murder weapon.
(c) The defendant purchased a pen knife that could have inflicted a fatal wound.
(d) The defendant purchased a knife identical to the murder weapon.

3. How does Juror Eleven provide support for the observation made by Juror Eight about the crucial witness?
(a) He recalls that the witness also uses a walking stick.
(b) He recalls that the witness' hearing aid is turned up to a high volume.
(c) He recalls that the witness walks with a limp.
(d) He recalls that the witness' glasses are very thick bifocals.

4. Which juror shares the experience of living near the track of an el train?
(a) Juror Two.
(b) Juror Ten.
(c) Juror Eight.
(d) Juror Seven.

5. How does the dissenting juror feel about the job done by the lawyer for the defendant?
(a) He believes the lawyer was ill-prepared for the defense.
(b) He believes the lawyer was intimidated by the prosecution.
(c) He believes the lawyer did a good job.
(d) He is dissatisfied with the questions asked by the lawyer.

Short Answer Questions

1. At what time is the murder alleged to have occurred?

2. Considering the information available about the defendant, to what extent does the composition of this jury reflect the principle that should guide the composition of a jury trying a case?

3. What important facts are revealed about the circumstances of the defendant's life by the juror who votes "not guilty" in the first round of voting?

4. How does Juror Eight help to lead the others to a logical conclusion about the eyewitness discussed in Act III?

5. Where is the bed of the crucial eyewitness discussed in Act III?

(see the answer key)

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