Twelfth Night Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Twelfth Night Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Act III.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Sir Andrew Aguecheek departs in Act III Scene II, Sir Toby Belch tells him that he and Fabian will call on him where?
(a) Olivia’s garden
(b) Before Olivia’s house
(c) Olivia’s house
(d) The cubiculo

2. What is Maria’s reply when asked in Act I Scene III, “Wherefore, sweetheart? What’s your metaphor?”
(a) It is blighted, sir
(b) It’s extrapolated, sir
(c) It’s dry, sir
(d) It is lost, sir

3. The Captain tells Viola in Act I Scene II that he last saw her brother clinging to what?
(a) A branch
(b) A mast
(c) A ship wheel
(d) A suitcase

4. Sir Toby Belch claims that Olivia is what when speaking with Maria in Act II Scene III?
(a) A clodpole
(b) A Vespian
(c) A Roman
(d) A Cataian

5. What is the setting of Act I Scene I?
(a) Olivia’s house
(b) The sea-coast
(c) Orsino’s Palace
(d) Olivia’s garden

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Act I Scene IV take place?

2. Olivia’s court jester states in Act I Scene V, “Many a good hanging prevents” what?

3. The jester claims not to be Olivia’s fool, but her “corrupter of” what in Act III Scene I?

4. Where does Viola say her brother is in Act I Scene II?

5. What is the setting of Act III Scene II?

(see the answer key)

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