The Turn of the Screw Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Turn of the Screw Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does seeing the children remind the governess of after she realizes that the children are aware of the ghosts?
(a) Their safety.
(b) Their deceit.
(c) Her job.
(d) She and her brother as children.

2. What is Miles' answer when Mrs. Grose confronts him about spending time with Peter Quint?
(a) Cried.
(b) Admission.
(c) Denial.
(d) Mind business.

3. What are Miles and Flora doing while the governess and Mrs. Grose talk in Chapter 11?
(a) Crying because they miss their parents.
(b) Listening to the governess' conversation.
(c) Walking the grounds as Miles reads to Flora.
(d) Hiding in the bushes.

4. Why is the governess worried that she cannot save the children?
(a) Ghosts too strong.
(b) Unaware of ghosts.
(c) Employer will prevent her.
(d) Already lost.

5. What does the governess think of the younger child when they first meet?
(a) Ugly and mean.
(b) Clean but secretive.
(c) Frightening and possessed.
(d) Charming and beautiful.

6. Who offers to tell a scary story about two children?
(a) Mrs. Grose.
(b) Douglas.
(c) Narrator.
(d) Governess.

7. Why does the governess feel that Miles has her trapped in Chapter 11?
(a) She cannot speak to the employer.
(b) She cannot get away from Bly.
(c) She cannot be the first to mention the ghosts.
(d) She cannot quit her job.

8. When the governess describes the stranger, who does Mrs. Grose believe him to be?
(a) Miles.
(b) Peter Quint.
(c) A servant at Bly.
(d) Employer.

9. What does the governess do about the children in Chapter 9?
(a) Ask them about the ghosts.
(b) Scold them.
(c) Watch them closely.
(d) Send them to their uncle.

10. Who does the governess tell about the stranger she sees while taking her walk?
(a) No one.
(b) Flora.
(c) Mrs. Grose.
(d) Miles.

11. Who does the governess compare the stranger to?
(a) Luke.
(b) Miles.
(c) Employer.
(d) Nobody.

12. What is the governess and Mrs. Grose's main goal concerning the stranger?
(a) Getting rid of the stranger.
(b) Saving the children.
(c) Telling their employer.
(d) Leaving Bly.

13. Why does Flora say she arranged her bed to appear that she was still in it while the governess was in the hallway?
(a) She did not want to frighten the governess.
(b) She wanted to play a joke on the governess.
(c) She was planning to run away.
(d) She did not do it; someone else did.

14. What is the governess' favorite time of day?
(a) Breakfast.
(b) Midnight.
(c) Bedtime.
(d) The last hour of daylight after the children are retired.

15. When the governess receives her position at Bly, what is the odd request that her employer makes of her?
(a) To write daily.
(b) Not to contact him for any reason.
(c) To find a husband for Flora.
(d) To never marry.

Short Answer Questions

1. In the introduction, what time of year is it when the group, which includes Douglas and the unnamed narrator, initially gather?

2. In Chapter 4, how does the governess view her charges?

3. What does the governess believe Flora will do if asked about the presence at the lake?

4. Who is the governess worried about after realizing the stranger is a ghost?

5. What does the governess initially think of the childrens' behavior?

(see the answer keys)

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