Tunnel in the Sky Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tunnel in the Sky Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Bob order Rod to avoid heavy work and sleep on his stomach, after Rod's argument with Jock in Chapter 8?
(a) He has fallen off of a small ledge.
(b) He has been hit by a poison dart.
(c) He has been punched in the stomach.
(d) He has been knifed in the ribs.

2. The historian is chosen based on what criteria?
(a) She has the best writing skills.
(b) He has the best writing skills.
(c) She is the only one who has writing paper.
(d) He is the only one who has writing paper.

3. What object signifies a vote for Arthur?
(a) A pebble.
(b) A piece of baked clay.
(c) A twig.
(d) A green leaf.

4. What nickname does Caroline have for Grant, as revealed in Chapter 11?
(a) Mayor II.
(b) Damayer.
(c) Grunt.
(d) Hizzoner.

5. In Chapter 16 how does Helen respond, when Rod's father asks her to return guardianship to him and Rod's mother?
(a) She agrees.
(b) "Not unless Roddie consents."
(c) "Not unless Buddy consents."
(d) She storms out of the room.

6. During their expedition in Chapter 11, when Roy wishes for a torch light what does Rod wish for?
(a) Eight beautiful dancing girls and a Cadillac copter.
(b) Three cheerleaders and a convertible.
(c) A bowl of cornflakes.
(d) A chocolate shake, followed by a strawberry shake.

7. How is Jack injured early in Chapter 8?
(a) She is stabbed by an angry student.
(b) She falls off of a small ledge.
(c) She is kicked in the ribs by a wounded buck.
(d) She is bitten by a lion-type creature.

8. During an evening meeting in Chapter 10, who stands up and demands information regarding a constitution and bill of rights?
(a) Jimmy.
(b) Rod.
(c) Caroline.
(d) Shorty.

9. Why does Rod insist, at the end of Chapter 13, that the students should stay put rather than move their settlement?
(a) In honor of Grant, they should domesticate the dopey joes.
(b) In honor of Grant, they should refuse to be driven away by dirty little beasts.
(c) Rod is concerned that women and babies would not survive a move.
(d) Rod realizes that the cave settlement would be more dangerous to live in than their current settlement.

10. During his campaign speech in Chapter 8, what does Grant state is the most important invention of mankind?
(a) Ramsbotham Gates.
(b) The wheel.
(c) Writing.
(d) Government.

11. Where is the settlement's new constitution written?
(a) In the margins of the Oxford Verse.
(b) In the flyleaves of two Testaments, Grant's and Carmen's.
(c) In the margins of Webster's Dictionary.
(d) In the flyleaves of two Testaments, Bob's and Georgia's.

12. What is the new name given to the settlement, as mentioned early in Chapter 14?
(a) Grant's Farm.
(b) Joeville.
(c) Cowpertown.
(d) Walkertown.

13. The doors to the abandoned cave dwellings discovered by Rod and Roy are how tall?
(a) Three to five inches.
(b) No higher than a man's chest.
(c) No higher than a man's knee.
(d) Seven to ten feet.

14. In Chapter 15, what personal news does Deacon Matson reveal to Rod?
(a) He has decided to settle in Cowpertown.
(b) He plans to abolish Ramsbotham Gates.
(c) Rod has earned an honorary degree.
(d) He has married Rod's sister, Helen.

15. In Chapter 13, what catastrophic event is triggered by the strange new behavior of the dopey joes?
(a) A water shortage.
(b) Cave-ins where they dug too many burrows.
(c) A frantic migration.
(d) Destruction of trees.

Short Answer Questions

1. Under Grant's leadership, who is appointed as the historian of the group?

2. When Rod and Roy return from their expedition, what do they find in place of the partially constructed stone wall?

3. Who takes Jack's place on Rod's hunting team in Chapter 8 after Jack is injured?

4. In Chapter 8 Arthur Nielson proposes that the group's new leader should be chosen by what principle, rather than by popular vote?

5. Who explains to Rob why the students were not picked up at the scheduled end of their final exam?

(see the answer keys)

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