Tunnel in the Sky Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tunnel in the Sky Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Jimmy give to Bob and Carmen as a wedding present?
(a) A stew pan.
(b) Two needles and some thread.
(c) A deck of cards.
(d) A water skin.

2. What is the new name given to the settlement, as mentioned early in Chapter 14?
(a) Grant's Farm.
(b) Walkertown.
(c) Cowpertown.
(d) Joeville.

3. What unusual sight do Rod and his companions see on Cliff's farm, in Chapter 15?
(a) A rainbow.
(b) A group of dopey joes, grazing.
(c) A new Ramsbotham Gate.
(d) A nova.

4. How much time off from guard duty does Grant give to Bob in Chapter 10 because he is newly married?
(a) Two weeks.
(b) Four days.
(c) Ten days.
(d) Four weeks.

5. In Chapter 8, why does Rod suggest building a stone wall?
(a) To protect their camp from predators.
(b) To protect their camp from strong winds.
(c) To dam up the river.
(d) To conceal their camp from other survival students.

6. During his expedition with Rod in Chapter 11, why does Roy kill a dopey joe?
(a) He needed a new water skin.
(b) It was hunting him.
(c) It is his favorite meat on the new planet.
(d) He was bored.

7. During his campaign speech in Chapter 8, what does Grant state is the most important invention of mankind?
(a) Writing.
(b) Government.
(c) The wheel.
(d) Ramsbotham Gates.

8. The title of Chapter 12 is a quote from which character?
(a) Roy.
(b) Caroline.
(c) Jack.
(d) Grant.

9. Who arrives on the unknown planet along with Deacon Matson, to convince Rod to return home?
(a) Teachers from the other three schools whose students were stranded.
(b) Rod's sister, Helen.
(c) Deacon Matson's son.
(d) Rod's parents.

10. Why don't Bob and Carmen want to leave with their friends immediately following the elections in Chapter 8?
(a) They want to give the new mayor a chance.
(b) Carmen has an injured ankle.
(c) They wish to be married in a proper civil ceremony, since a mayor has that authority.
(d) Bob has a ribcage injury.

11. Where does Grant want the historian to record the special knowledge of the group?
(a) In the margins of Webster's Dictionary.
(b) In the flyleaves of two Testaments, Grant's and Carmen's.
(c) In the flyleaves of two Testaments, Bob's and Georgia's.
(d) In the margins of the Oxford Verse.

12. After Roy resigns as boss hunter in Chapter 11, who does Grant appoint as his replacement?
(a) Shorty.
(b) Cliff.
(c) Chad.
(d) Bob.

13. Where is the settlement's new constitution written?
(a) In the flyleaves of two Testaments, Bob's and Georgia's.
(b) In the margins of Webster's Dictionary.
(c) In the flyleaves of two Testaments, Grant's and Carmen's.
(d) In the margins of the Oxford Verse.

14. In Chapter 15, what personal news does Deacon Matson reveal to Rod?
(a) He has decided to settle in Cowpertown.
(b) He plans to abolish Ramsbotham Gates.
(c) Rod has earned an honorary degree.
(d) He has married Rod's sister, Helen.

15. The doors to the abandoned cave dwellings discovered by Rod and Roy are how tall?
(a) No higher than a man's chest.
(b) No higher than a man's knee.
(c) Three to five inches.
(d) Seven to ten feet.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 11, why does Roy resign his appointed position as the boss hunter?

2. Before delivering a marriage certificate to Bob and Carmen, Caroline decorates it with what?

3. As explained in Chapter 10, why does Rob believe one man should not stand alone on guard duty?

4. In Chapter 8, what is Grant's theory as to why Jock would not listen to Rod?

5. What is "Grand Opera?"

(see the answer keys)

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