Tunnel in the Sky Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tunnel in the Sky Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 11, The Beach of Bones.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 8 Arthur Nielson proposes that the group's new leader should be chosen by what principle, rather than by popular vote?
(a) A lottery.
(b) Rigorous scientific criteria.
(c) The student from the wealthiest family should lead.
(d) The eldest student should lead.

2. During the upheaval following a student's demand for a constitution at the evening meeting in Chapter 10, what does Rod ask Jimmy to do?
(a) Create a diversion.
(b) Demand a new election.
(c) Second the motion to demand a constitution.
(d) Make a motion to adjourn.

3. What recreational item does Jimmy categorize as survival equipment?
(a) A drum.
(b) Dice.
(c) A dart board and darts.
(d) A deck of cards.

4. Where does Rod decide to sleep during his first night on the unknown planet?
(a) On a river bank.
(b) In a tree.
(c) In a cave.
(d) In the brush.

5. Rod is informed that the exit gate from his final exam will be where?
(a) As much as twenty kilometers in the direction of sunrise.
(b) As much as thirty kilometers in the direction of sunrise.
(c) As much as ten kilometers in the direction of sunset.
(d) As much as twenty kilometers in the direction of sunset.

Short Answer Questions

1. What hunting technique do Rod and Jack develop in Chapter 7?

2. Under Grant's leadership, who is appointed as the historian of the group?

3. The doors to the abandoned cave dwellings discovered by Rod and Roy are how tall?

4. What number does Rod draw, for entering the gate to the unknown planet?

5. What rare treat does Jack share with Rod during their first meal together?

(see the answer key)

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