Tuck Everlasting Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tuck Everlasting Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the constable doing when he discovers Winnie is in the cell instead of Mae?
(a) Looking for Winnie.
(b) Making a check of the prisoners.
(c) Bringing Mae's breakfast.
(d) Opening the window.

2. Which of the family does Winnie say is the "dearest of them all?"
(a) Mae.
(b) Jesse.
(c) Miles.
(d) Tuck.

3. What time does Winnie wake up?
(a) Five o'clock.
(b) Five minutes till midnight.
(c) Fifteen minutes after midnight.
(d) Four fifteen.

4. Which of the family doesn't come to see her before she goes to sleep?
(a) Jesse.
(b) Mae.
(c) Tuck.
(d) Miles.

5. What do they have for breakfast the morning after Winnie and Miles go fishing?
(a) Flapjacks.
(b) Eggs and bacon.
(c) Trout.
(d) Nothing because they didn't keep the fish.

6. What does Winnie do when a mosquito lands on her knee?
(a) Waits for it to fly away.
(b) Catches it.
(c) Swats it.
(d) Shooes it away.

7. Where does the stranger put his hat while he talks to the Fosters?
(a) On the table.
(b) On his knee.
(c) On a peg by the door.
(d) On the back of the chair.

8. Who does Jesse say came up with a plan to get Mae out of jail?
(a) Jesse.
(b) Tuck.
(c) Miles.
(d) Mae.

9. What does the stranger insist must be done to make the trade legal?
(a) It must be filed at the courthouse.
(b) The men must shake hands.
(c) It must be written on a piece of paper.
(d) Nothing.

10. What does Winnie say to her family that makes them understand the reason she acted as she did?
(a) That the Tucks were her friends.
(b) That she was bored.
(c) That the Tucks had a mysterious secret.
(d) That she knew Mae was innocent.

11. Who goes to answer the door?
(a) Mae.
(b) Miles.
(c) Winnie.
(d) Jesse.

12. Who opens the door of Winnie's house?
(a) Winnie.
(b) Winnie's grandmother.
(c) Winnie's father.
(d) Winnie's mother.

13. What does the stranger say?
(a) That he knows where the little girl is.
(b) Nothing.
(c) That he needs something to eat .
(d) That he has a horse for sale.

14. Who is waiting for Winnie at the gate?
(a) Jesse.
(b) Tuck.
(c) Miles.
(d) Jesse, Miles and Tuck.

15. Why does Winnie feel relief when it's time for supper?
(a) She's starving.
(b) She doesn't have to do dishes.
(c) It means it's almost midnight.
(d) It's something to do.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who lifts Winnie through the window and into the jail?

2. How does the man say he knew about the Tucks?

3. What does the constable say about the man in the yellow suit?

4. In what room do the Fosters hear the stranger's story of Winnie's abduction?

5. Who does the stranger say should go with him to get Winnie?

(see the answer keys)

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