Tuck Everlasting Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tuck Everlasting Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Miles use oil on the window?
(a) To keep the nails from making a sound as they are pulled out.
(b) To eliminate the possibility of fingerprints.
(c) There isn't a reason.
(d) So that Mae can slip through more easily.

2. How does Winnie plan to provide water for the toad?
(a) She carries a bowl of water outside.
(b) She is going to carry the toad to the pond.
(c) She turns on the water hose.
(d) She is going to take the toad inside to the tub.

3. Which of the family doesn't come to see her before she goes to sleep?
(a) Miles.
(b) Mae.
(c) Tuck.
(d) Jesse.

4. What does Winnie pour on the toad?
(a) A bowl of water from the house.
(b) Water from the garden hose.
(c) The water Jesse gave her.
(d) Her glass of lemonade.

5. What does the stranger say people came to believe about this family that didn't age?
(a) That they are gods.
(b) That they were ghosts.
(c) That they should share their secret.
(d) That they were witches, or worse.

6. Where does the stranger put his hat while he talks to the Fosters?
(a) On his knee.
(b) On a peg by the door.
(c) On the back of the chair.
(d) On the table.

7. What does the person say who opens the door for the stranger?
(a) Nothing.
(b) Come in.
(c) Go away.
(d) What do you want?.

8. Who does Jesse say came up with a plan to get Mae out of jail?
(a) Tuck.
(b) Mae.
(c) Jesse.
(d) Miles.

9. Why does Winnie say the entire escapade is difficult for her family?
(a) Because they wanted to meet the Tucks.
(b) Because they wanted Winnie to be punished.
(c) Because they are proud.
(d) Because they had to pay a fine .

10. Who opens the door of Winnie's house?
(a) Winnie's mother.
(b) Winnie's grandmother.
(c) Winnie.
(d) Winnie's father.

11. What does Winnie sleep in that night?
(a) Her own nightgown.
(b) Mae's spare nightgown.
(c) One of Jesse's shirt.
(d) Her own clothes.

12. Who is waiting for Winnie at the gate?
(a) Miles.
(b) Tuck.
(c) Jesse, Miles and Tuck.
(d) Jesse.

13. What does Winnie say to her family that makes them understand the reason she acted as she did?
(a) That the Tucks had a mysterious secret.
(b) That the Tucks were her friends.
(c) That she was bored.
(d) That she knew Mae was innocent.

14. What sound does Winnie think she hears from inside the jail?
(a) Mae calling out to her.
(b) The horse neighing.
(c) Tuck crying.
(d) The tinkling of the music box.

15. What words does the stranger use to describe the people who took Winnie?
(a) Rough and illiterate.
(b) Mean and tough.
(c) Stupid and homely.
(d) Kind and unusual.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is it that makes Winnie pick up the toad?

2. Who does Winnie tell her grandmother she's talking to?

3. Why had Mae put flapjack crumbs in the table drawer?

4. What does Winnie do when a mosquito lands on her knee?

5. What does Winnie do with the bottle Jesse gave her?

(see the answer keys)

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