Tuck Everlasting Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tuck Everlasting Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What words are used to describe the fingers of the stranger?
(a) White and ugly.
(b) Long and skinny.
(c) Graceful and white.
(d) Pale blue and chubby.

2. What do passersby want to do when they reach the woods?
(a) Run.
(b) Make a lot of noise and throw a rock or two.
(c) Look for a spring.
(d) Whisper.

3. How many years ago did the Tucks come to the area?
(a) 87.
(b) 104.
(c) 18.
(d) 43.

4. What kind of shoes is Winnie wearing when she gets into the rowboat with Tuck?
(a) Tennis shoes.
(b) She's barefoot.
(c) Boots.
(d) Flip flops.

5. What is the first creature Winnie hears when she and Tuck get into the rowboat at the pond?
(a) Jesse yelling.
(b) A mocking bird.
(c) A frog.
(d) A dog barking.

6. What is the sound that makes Winnie stop crying?
(a) The running water.
(b) The music box.
(c) Her mother calling her.
(d) Mae's quiet voice.

7. What time does Winnie Foster set out from her house?
(a) At midnight.
(b) At noontime.
(c) At ten in the morning.
(d) At dawn.

8. What does the author say accompanies the frequent nighttime lightning?
(a) Neither thunder nor rain.
(b) Only thunder.
(c) Both thunder and rain.
(d) Only rain.

9. When does Mae say she'll be return home?
(a) She doesn's say.
(b) Late the following day.
(c) By lunchtime.
(d) In about a week.

10. "Where" is the first week of August?
(a) At the very top of summer.
(b) At the very top of the live-long year.
(c) Both at the very top of summer and the top of the live-long year.
(d) Neither at the very top of summer nor at the top of the year.

11. What does Winnie say the music sounds like?
(a) Elves.
(b) A flute.
(c) A circus.
(d) A music box.

12. Where is Mae's mirror?
(a) On the wall.
(b) She doesn't have one.
(c) On the dresser.
(d) On the washstand.

13. What does Mae say the loft of their home is used for?
(a) Mae sews there.
(b) Miles and Jesse do their carpentry there.
(c) The loft is used only for storage.
(d) Miles and Jesse sleep there when they return home.

14. Which of the following is true of Winnie's beliefs?
(a) Winnie doesn't believe in fairy tales.
(b) Winnie has always wanted a magic wand.
(c) Winnie believes fairy tales are true.
(d) Winnie believes in magic.

15. Who else besides Winnie heard the story about the spring told by Jesse, Mae and Miles?
(a) No one.
(b) Winnie's grandmother.
(c) The stranger.
(d) The sheriff.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many rooms are there in the Tuck house?

2. How does Mae fasten the shawl around her shoulders?

3. Tuck says that having Winnie visit is the best thing in how many years?

4. What member of the Tuck group did not drink from the spring?

5. What time does the stranger appear at the Foster's gate?

(see the answer keys)

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