Truth & Beauty: A Friendship Test | Final Test - Easy

Ann Patchett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Truth & Beauty: A Friendship Test | Final Test - Easy

Ann Patchett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. On what day did Lucy die?
(a) December 18, 2006.
(b) December 19, 2001.
(c) December 18, 1999.
(d) December 18, 2002.

2. Who took over Lucy's medical care?
(a) Her mother.
(b) Her sister.
(c) Ann.
(d) Her roommate.

3. Where did Ann go to attend the movie premiere?
(a) New York City.
(b) Paris.
(c) Milan.
(d) London.

4. Which of the following was NOT something Ann and Lucy agreed on during their last conversation?
(a) They loved each other.
(b) Ann would name her daughter Lucy.
(c) They agreed to talk every day.
(d) They missed each other.

5. What did Lucy say she would do after her surgeries?
(a) Find love.
(b) Learn to cook.
(c) Move to Provence.
(d) Learn French.

6. What did Lucy actually do after she made a promise to Ann?
(a) She would not reach out to her mother.
(b) She refused to date anymore.
(c) She would continue using heroin.
(d) She drank more alcohol than ever before.

7. How did Lucy get up to her apartment after being released from the hospital?
(a) Ann carried her.
(b) Elevator.
(c) A paramedic carried her.
(d) Home healthcare nurse carried her.

8. What group meetings did Lucy attend?
(a) Alcoholics Anonymous.
(b) New York Poets.
(c) Junior League.
(d) Daughters of the American Revolution.

9. To what state did Lucy head for rehab?
(a) New Hampshire.
(b) New Jersey.
(c) Illinois.
(d) Connecticut.

10. What did Ann do for Lucy that made Lucy happy?
(a) Invited her to Christmas dinner.
(b) Sorted through her bills.
(c) Did her laundry.
(d) Dedicated her book to her.

11. What did Lucy call the guest room in Ann's new house?
(a) Halfway house.
(b) The dog house.
(c) Lucy's room.
(d) Casa de Lucy.

12. Why did Ann have Lucy moved to a different hospital room?
(a) Her roommate was an intrusive woman.
(b) It was too noisy by the nurses station.
(c) It had too many windows.
(d) It had no air conditioning.

13. What element about her new novel did Lucy discuss with Ann?
(a) The setting.
(b) The theme.
(c) The characters.
(d) The foreshadowing.

14. What did Ann think about constantly after Lucy died?
(a) Lucy's family.
(b) The children Lucy would never have.
(c) Their last conversation.
(d) The movie they saw in Iowa.

15. After she was released from the hospital, what did Lucy lie to Ann about when she called?
(a) She told her that she was moving to Europe.
(b) She told her she was still writing.
(c) She told her she had plastic surgery.
(d) She told her that she was getting married.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where had Lucy told Ann she wanted to go for Christmas?

2. What is another group whose meetings Lucy attended?

3. What emotion consumed Lucy in Chapter 13?

4. What did Lucy do with the OxyContin she was prescribed?

5. Who was Lucy's Scottish surgeon that thought the surgery was too radical?

(see the answer keys)

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