Trust Exercise Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Trust Exercise Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What must Sarah keep forcing herself to remember on page 119?
(a) How happy she is.
(b) How much she loves David.
(c) How attractive Liam is.
(d) How much she wants to succeed.

2. According to the narrator on page 2, what did everyone at school unwillingly experience?
(a) The fear between Mr. Kingsley and his students.
(b) The awkwardness between Sarah and Joelle.
(c) The panic of Norbert and Manuel.
(d) The energy between Sarah and David.

3. According to the narrator on page 90, how do the English teens compare to the CAPA teens?
(a) The English teens look American but act British.
(b) The English teens look younger but act older.
(c) The English teens look British but act American.
(d) The English teens look older but act younger.

4. According to the narrator on page 97, what fails to relieve Sarah's pain?
(a) Gaining the interest of Liam.
(b) Saving money.
(c) Reviving her friendship with Joelle.
(d) Earning her driver's license.

5. What does the senior who takes a special interest in David drive?
(a) A blue convertible.
(b) A green station wagon.
(c) A red sportscar.
(d) A black truck.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Elli on page 129, what is wrong with Sarah?

2. What is the name given to the visitors from England, as explained on page 87?

3. What is the name of the hurricane that hits Sarah's hometown in the first section of the novel?

4. What is Karen's last name?

5. Who walks out midway through the production performed by the English visitors?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Sarah's mother meet with the principal of CAPA? What evidence on page 84 indicates something is very wrong with Sarah?

2. What is CAPA? What is the reader told about it at the beginning of the novel?

3. What does Sarah learn about Martin while going shopping for the party? How does she react to this information?

4. What happens during the afterparty held at Mr. Kingsley's house? What does Sarah discover?

5. What adults arrive with the English People and what does the narrator say about them?

6. What happens between Sarah and David on the first day of their sophomore year? What is the result of this occurrence?

7. With whom do the English People stay? What happens as a result?

8. How does Mr. Kingsley exert direct influence over Sarah and David's relationship? What is the effect of this influence, as indicated on page 57?

9. Who is Mr. Kingsley? What is the reader told about him at the beginning of the novel? What indicates he might not be trustworthy?

10. Who is Manuel? What happens to him during auditions for the fall musical?

(see the answer keys)

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