Trust Exercise Test | Final Test - Easy

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Trust Exercise Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where was Martin when Karen visited England?
(a) Ill.
(b) Touring.
(c) Teaching.
(d) At home.

2. According to Karen on page 181, how did her mother treat Karen's memory when Karen was a child?
(a) As something to mock.
(b) As something to exploit.
(c) As something to hate.
(d) As something to fear.

3. How does Karen describe her interest in David on page 175?
(a) As unconscious.
(b) As informal.
(c) As a choice.
(d) As a drive.

4. According to Karen on page 184, who will play the lead role in Martin's play?
(a) Manuel.
(b) Mr. Kingsley.
(c) David.
(d) Martin.

5. According to Karen on page 197, in what does she participate?
(a) Martin's ostracization.
(b) Martin's normalization.
(c) Martin's indoctrination.
(d) Martin's rendition.

6. In his letter, with what does Martin ask David for help?
(a) Proving his innocence.
(b) Staging a play of his.
(c) Reaching Mr. Kingsley.
(d) Helping find Karen.

7. Karen asserts that she is the only teenage character to receive what in Sarah's book?
(a) A personality.
(b) A family.
(c) A career.
(d) A last name.

8. How many guns does Karen get for Martin's play?
(a) 2.
(b) 0.
(c) 1.
(d) 3.

9. According to Karen on page 164, what is one of her strong points?
(a) Her intuitive abilities.
(b) Her political activism.
(c) Her impeccable memory.
(d) Her acting talent.

10. Upon reading Martin's play, what does Karen think, as revealed on page 168?
(a) It seems foreign.
(b) It seems funny.
(c) It seems fantastical.
(d) It seems familiar.

11. According to Karen on page 138, what did Sarah do when her mother forbade her from going to England?
(a) She sold her mother's jewelry.
(b) She assaulted her mother.
(c) She set fire to her mother's clothes.
(d) She totaled her mother's car.

12. According to Karen on page 201, what does she not do regarding Sarah's novel?
(a) Recognize herself.
(b) Forget herself.
(c) Like herself.
(d) Believe herself.

13. According to Karen on page 234, what is her biggest problem with Sarah's novel?
(a) It omits the truth.
(b) It publicizes the truth.
(c) It reveals the truth.
(d) It embellishes the truth.

14. What is the name of the newspaper from which David shows Karen a clipping on page 156?
(a) The Bourne Courier-Telegraph.
(b) The Guardian.
(c) The Daily Telegraph.
(d) The Independent.

15. According to Karen on page 153, why does David take such an interest in her?
(a) Because of his love for Mr. Kingsley.
(b) Because of his admiration for her talent.
(c) Because of their connection to the past.
(d) Because of his love of the performing arts.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of the bookstore where Sarah's book signing is held in the second section of the novel?

2. What does David reveal about Sarah's novel that shocks Karen on page 199?

3. After the English People left, what did Karen and Sarah do?

4. On page 159, how does David describe the scandal surrounding Martin?

5. What psychological process does Karen believe might explain Sarah's novel?

(see the answer keys)

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